汉语“动—名”离合词“A+过+B”与泰语相应形式的对比探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:刘培杰[1] LIU Pei-Jie (College of Chinese Language & Culture,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875 ,China)


出  处:《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学与探讨版》2017年第2期17-25,共9页Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language

摘  要:文章从汉泰对比的角度对汉语"动—名"离合词"A+过+B"的形式和意义进行了略论,认为从形式上来看,汉语动态助词"过"与泰语助动词"■"对应时,"■"位于泰语词或短语之前,而与形容词"■"对应时,"■"则位于泰语词或短语之后;从意义上来看,汉语动态助词"过1"和泰语形容词"■"的意义基本相同,即表"完毕"义;汉语动态助词"过2"和泰语助动词""的意义基本相同,即表"经验"义。This paper focuses on a contrastive analysis of the forms and meanings of the verb-noun separable words in"A+guo+B"structures between Chinese and Thai.In terms of form,Chinese aspect particle"guo"is equivalent to the Thai auxiliary verb "■" which is located before other Thai words or phrases.When equivalent to the adjective "■","■"is located after other Thai words or phrases.In terms of meaning,the meanings of the Chinese aspect particle"guo1"and Thai adjective"■"are basically the same,which mean"completion";while the meanings of the Chinese aspect particle"guo2"and Thai auxiliary verb "■"are also basically the same,which mean"experience".

关 键 词:汉语 
