作 者:祁艳红[1] 李鹏[2] 尚云[2] 原一川[3] QI Yan-hong,LI Peng,SHANG Yun,YUAN Yi-chuan(1.School of Literal Arts and Science,Yunnan RTV University,Kunming,Yunnan,650223;2.School of Education and Management,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming,Yunnan,650092;3.School of Foreign Languages,Kunming Yunnan,650092) 机构地区:[1]云南广播电视大学文理学院,云南昆明650223 [2]云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院,云南昆明650092 [3]云南师范大学外语学院,云南昆明650092 出 处:《云南电大学报》2017年第3期 23-26,共4页Journal of Yunnan Rty University 摘 要:采用问卷法对云南国防工业职业技术学院运用泰国语专业一年级专科学生进行为什么和怎样学习泰语调查,相关略论结果表明,学习动机中,学习欲望和内部动机是高职运用泰国语专业专科学生泰语学习成绩的主要相关因素;学习策略中,情感策略、认知策略和交际策略是专科学生泰语学习成绩的主要相关因素。学生自我评定泰语水平依次与学习欲望、内部动机、情感策略、认知策略和交际策略呈显著正相关关系。An empirical quantitative questionnaire is made to survey the motivation and strategies of Tai language learning among Tai-major freshmen and their relationships with Tai achievement of Yunnan Vocational Technical College of National Defense Industry.The findings shows that their learning desires and internal motives in the learning motivation are the main factors related to their achievements of Applied Tai Language and their emotion,cognition and communication strategies in the learning strategy are the main factors related to their achievements.The self-evaluations of the students are positively and significantly correlated in order with their learning desires,intrinsic motives,emotional strategies,cognitive strategies and communication strategies. 关 键 词:高职专科学生 泰语学习 动机 策略 ,泰语论文网站,泰语毕业论文 |