类型学背景下的汉泰语量词语义系统对比和汉语量词教学 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:张赪[1] ZHANG Cheng


出  处:《世界汉语教学》2017年第4期508-518,共11页Chinese Teaching in the World

基  金:本探讨得到2017年“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”资助,《世界汉语教学》匿名评审专家对本文提出了宝贵意见,在此谨致谢忱!

摘  要:本文运用类型学理论分别描写、对比了汉泰语量词语义系统,找出了汉泰语量词系统共有的和各自特有的分类,重点略论了汉泰语有生量词、形状量词的不同,据此提出了汉语量词教学对策。This paper describes the semantic systems of measure word in Chinese and Thai language,compares the two in a typological view,and finds the similar and characteristic classifications between them. It analyzes in details the differences of animacy measure words,shape and size measure words between the two languages,and gives some suggestions about the ways to teach Thai students to learn Chinese measure words.

关 键 词:类型学 量词 汉语 泰语 
