泰国曼谷的客家神庙与客家族群认同探寻 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:吴云龙 Wu Yunlong (Department of Oriental Languages and cultures Thammasat Universtiy, Bangkok, Tailand, 12120)


出  处:《八桂侨刊》2017年第1期20-28,共9页Overseas Chinese Journal of Bagui

摘  要:泰国客家总会下辖六座神庙,分别为汉王庙、三奶夫人庙、关帝庙、本头公庙、吕帝庙和南海观音庙。曼谷客家族群的精英群体和普通大众均与这六座神庙有着深刻的关联。其精英群体通过神庙事务的影响与神庙产生互动关系,而普通大众则通过对神祗信仰的情感体验与神庙产生互惠关系。精英与神庙间的互动关系以书写文献的方式得到体现并形成集体记忆,大众与神庙间的互惠关系则以具体的行动实践表达族群认同。集体记忆与行动实践造成了族群认同方式上的异同,因此曼谷客家族群的认同方式有两种,一种是以精英为主体的,接近“工具论”的族群认同方式;一种是以大众为主体的,接近“根基论”的族群认同方式。前者通过神庙事务的具体事件,对族群认同施加作用;后者则通过既得的宗教情感,对族群认同和族群认同的边缘范围产生作用。故此,一个族群认同的方式并不是整齐划一的,很可能通过两个或多个认同方式及渠道,达成一个族群整体的认同。The Hakka Association of Thailand manages six temples, Hanwang Temple, Mrs.Sannai Temple, Guandi Temple, Bentougong Temple, Lvdi Temple and Nanhai Guanyin Temple. The elites and average persons of the Hakka in Bangkok all have deep relationships with those temples. The elites and temples have interacted rela- tionships through temple businesses, which has been written in literature and has become their collective memo- ries. On the other hand, mutually benefited relationships in faiths in deities between temples and average persons have conveyed their ethnic identities in emotional experiences and practices. Collective memories and practices caused ethnic identities discrepancies between the elites and average persons. Based on the discrepancies, two types of ethnic identifying patterns were found in the Hakka in Bangkok. One is similar to "instrumentalism" that has been experienced mainly by the elites. Another is kind of "foundationism" that has been practiced by most av- erage persons. The former type has influenced ethnic identity through temple businesses and the latter has impact- ed on identity itself and its peripheral. Thus, the ethnic identifying patterns are not identical. It is possible that two or more than two ways or patterns can be utilized to reach one ethnic identity as a whole.

关 键 词:泰国客家总会 客家族群 
