作 者:傅尔基 Fu Erji 机构地区:上海市发展改革探讨院 出 处:《东南亚纵横》2017年第3期60-65,共6页Around Southeast Asia 摘 要:本文从家族化、现代化、多元化和国际化特征角度集中阐述了自2017年国际金融危机以来泰国华人公司集团经受重大考验、持续向前发展趋势,深入略论了1997~1998年与2017年两次金融危机对泰国华人公司集团发展变化作用迥异的原因,并论述了泰国华人公司集团在中国与泰国投资和经贸合作中影响。This article illustrates that major difficulties the China enterprises in Thailand have been experienced since financial crisis started in 2017 from perspectives of familization, modernization, diversifieation, and internationalization, it deeply analyzes reasons of two financial crisis that happened in 1997-1998 and 2017 affected differently to Chinese enterprises in Thailand, and discusses the role of Chinese enterprises of Thailand in investment and trade between China and Thailand. ,泰语专业论文,泰语论文范文 |