泰国学生汉语多项状语使用情况调查 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:林文月 高霞 Lin Wenyue, Gao Xia (College of Foreign Languages, Chuxiong Normal University, Chuxiong, Yunnan 675000, China )


出  处:《大理大学学报》2017年第1期97-100,共4页Journal of Dali University

摘  要:汉语多项状语泰国学生学习的难点,泰语毕业论文泰语论文,也是对外汉语教学的重点。以问卷调查及数据略论的方式,通过对泰国中、高级汉语水平学生汉语多项状语使用情况进行调查与略论,可以发现:他们在习得由某些项目类型或成分构成的汉语多项状语上困难重重;他们在初级阶段对汉语状语的掌握程度会直接作用之后习得汉语多项状语的效果;他们习得汉语多项状语的难度随着汉语多项状语项数的增加而增加。Multiple adverbials is one of Chinese leaning difficulties for Thai students, and it is also an emphasis in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. With the methods of questionnaire survey and data analysis, this paper investigates and analyzes Chinese multiple adverbials using condition of Thai intermediate and advanced level students and result shows that: it's difficult for them to learn Chinese multiple adverbials composed by certain item types or elements;the mastery degree of Chinese multiple adverbials at the beginning level may directly influence the late learning efficiency;the difficulty of learning Chinese multiple adverbials increases with the number of multiple adverbials.

关 键 词:泰国学生 多项状语 汉语学习困难 对外汉语教学 
