泰国留学生在华学习适应调查--以华侨大学泰国留学生为探讨对象 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:钟慧[1] 沈玲[2] Zhong Hui,Shen Ling

机构地区:[1]华侨大学华文学院 [2]华侨大学华文学院、华文教育理论探讨中心

出  处:《东南亚纵横》2017年第5期87-93,共7页Around Southeast Asia

基  金:“华侨大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目·华侨大学哲学社会科学青年学者成长工程项目”(13SKGC-QT05)阶段性成果.

摘  要:通过对在华泰国留学生求学过程中学习适应的作用因素和适应策略的问卷调查与访谈发现,中国高校的教学体制、教学方式、学生管理、教学环境,学生自身的学习措施、学习态度、汉语水平以及师生互动方式等因素都作用着泰国留学生的学习适应。为帮助泰国留学生更好地克服在华学习适应的困难,需要学校为泰国留学生创造有利的学习环境,教师作为指导者给予泰国留学生学习适应的建议以及泰国留学生自身要加强自主学习能力。Through questionnaire investigation and interview which focused on the influencing factors and adaptation strategies of academic adaptation to Thailand students in Chinese University, we found that the Thai students' academic adjustment will be significantly affected by the management and teaching of Chinese universities, teaching methods, teaching environment, Thai students' learning methods, study attitude and their Chinese language proficiency, peer and teacher relationship. In order to help Thai students overcome the difficulties so as to adapt to study in China, it' s necessary for the university to create a favorable learning environment for Thai students. Teachers as guidance to Thai students should give some good advices to them; and Thai students should strengthen their independent learning ability by themselves.
