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基督教的传入与文化变迁--以泰国清莱府湄岁县湄岁区阿卡族为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:柏敏 BAI Min (Honghe University, Mengzi 661199,China)


出  处:《红河学院学报》2017年第2期5-8,共4页Journal of Honghe University

基  金:云南省哲学社会科学规划项目:中国金平县哈尼“苦扎扎”与泰北清莱阿卡“耶苦扎”节对比探讨(QN2017047)

摘  要:基督教是现今三大宗教之一,他的作用力已遍布世界各地。泰国作为接受西方文化比较早的东南亚国家之一,基督教文化已在泰国盛行很长一段时间,他的作用力不仅仅是在泰人当中,还扩大到了山地民族中。泰国北部地区山地民族中的阿卡族,从迁徙到这里开始,除了继承本民族的传统文化,还受到泰族以及周围其他民族的作用,现代更是受到了来自西方基督教的作用。文章探讨基督教文化与阿卡传统文化之间的发展,以及对阿卡族文化生活的各个方面产生的作用。Christianity is one of the three major religions today,he has such a great influence among all of the world.Thailand as one of the southeast Asia countries which has accepted western culture at a very early age,now Christian culture has been popular for a long time in Thailand,his influence is not only among the Thai people,but also expended to hill tribes.Aqua in the northern mountain areas in Thailand national race,from the moment they migrating to here, in addition to inheriting the national traditional culture,they also be influenced by the Thai nation and other ethnic groups around,at the morden time they were quite influenced by western Christianity.The purpose or this text is mainly at the studying of the develepment relationship between Christian culture and aqua traditional culture,and as well as the influence to all aspects of Aqua's life.

关 键 词:基督教 传入 文化变迁 阿卡族 
