基于HACCP的生鲜农产品国际冷链物流质量控制体系探讨--以云南省蔬菜出口泰国为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:杨扬 袁媛 李杰梅 YANG Yang, YUAN Yuan,LI Jie-mei (Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming Yunnan 650500, China)


出  处:《北京交通大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第2期103-108,共6页Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition

基  金:国家自然科学基金项目“国际陆港演化机理及仿真探讨”(71463035); 昆明理工大学人才培养基金项目“面向质量安全的食品供应链仿真及优化探讨”(kkz3201702033)

摘  要:云南省生鲜蔬菜出口泰国为例,略论生鲜农产品国际冷链物流的主要环节,应用HACCP法探讨潜在的危险因素,通过引入模糊故障树法改进了HACCP法关于关键环节和显著危害的选取判断,建立生鲜农产品国际冷链物流质量控制体系。结果表明:预冷、入库检查、冷藏储存、冷链运输、通关是生鲜农产品国际冷链物流的关键控制点。针对关键控制点提出了相应的预防和控制方法,通过对风险因素持续的监测、评估、预警,可实现对生鲜农产品国际冷链物流质量风险危害的有效控制。The paper takes the export of vegetable in Yunnan to Thailand as an example and analyzes the main nodes in the international cold chain logistics of fresh agricultural products.The HACCP system is applied to the study of potential risks,and the critical control points and risk priorities are identified by means of fuzzy fault tree analysis.A quality control system is built up for the international cold chain logistics of fresh agriculture products.It is found that critical control points include pre-cooling,cold storage,cold chain transportation,inspection,and quarantine.The fresh agricultural international cold chain logistics quality safety risks can be controlled effectively with the appropriate prevention,control and the monitoring,evaluation,and pre-warning of risk factors.

关 键 词:质量控制体系 生鲜农产品 HACCP 模糊故障树 
