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泰国油茶引种试验初报 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:曹永庆[1] Uthai Noppakoonwong 姚小华[1] Sompol Nillavesana 任华东[1] Pichit Sripita 王开良[1] Chatnapa Khomarwut 龙伟[1] 林萍[1] Cao Yongqing,Uthai Noppakoonwong,Yao Xiaohua,Sompol Nillavesana,Ren Huadong,Pichit Sripita,Wang Kailiang,Chatnapa Khomarwut,Long Wei,Lin Ping (1.Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, CAF, Fuyang Zhejiang 311400, 2.Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Center, Chiang Mai Thailand 50230)

机构地区:[1]中国林业科学探讨院亚热带林业探讨所,浙江富阳311400 [2]泰国清迈皇家农业探讨中心,泰国清迈502300

出  处:《中国农学通报》2017年第13期10-13,共4页Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin

基  金:中泰科技合作联委会项目“中泰油茶发展合作项目”(19-511J),“中泰油茶选育合作项目”(20-620J)

摘  要:为了探明不同油茶物种在热带气候区的适应性,在泰国清迈省开展引种种植试验并进行了初步评价。结果表明,越南油茶和高州油茶在泰国清迈的适应性最好,不同地点引种的平均保存率分别达92.5%和92.7%,具有一定的推广运用前景;茶梨、宛田红花油茶、普通油茶的适应性居中,平均保存率分别为40.0%、66.7%和46.6%;广宁红花油茶、毛蕊红山茶、浙江红花油茶的适应性最差,不适于在热带地区种植。此外,在热带季风气候区,海拔高度是作用引种油茶树体生长的重要作用因素,不同海拔高度引种的油茶成活率、株高、地径以及冠幅、分枝情况异同明显,引种海拔越高,普通油茶、广宁红花油茶、毛蕊红山茶和茶梨的成活率也升高,低海拔地区引种的普通油茶、宛田红花油茶、毛蕊红山茶和茶梨冠幅则相对较小。本探讨结果为热带地区油茶的推广运用提供了借鉴和指导。To clarify the adaptability of different oil-tea Camellia species in tropical area,the introduction ofoil-tea Camellia in Chiang Mai Province of Thailand was conducted and preliminary evaluated.The resultsshowed that C.vietnamensis and C.gaucowensis were most adaptable and their average survival rates were92.5% and 92.7% respectively,secondly were C.octopetala,C.polyodonta and C.oleifera and their survivalrates were 40.0%,66.7% and 46.6%,respectively.The C.semiserrata,C.mairei and C.chekiangoleosa werenot successful in Thailand and they could not be planted in tropical area.In addition,the elevation was animportant factor which could affect the growth of oil-tea Camellia in tropical area.The survival rate,height,ground diameter,canopy and branching were quite different in trial sites with different elevations and thesurvival rate of C.oleifera,C.mairei,C.octopetala and C.semiserrata were higher in high elevation trial sites.The canopy of C.oleifera,C.mairei,C.octopetala and C.polyodonta were smaller in lower elevation trial sites.This study provided guidance of oil-tea Camellia application and plantation in tropical area.

关 键 词:油茶 引种 泰国 热带 适应性 
