泰国汉语教育与中华语言文化传播 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:王玲玲 WANG Ling-ling ( Executive Leadership Academy, Overseas Chinese Affaires Office of the State Council, Beijing 100037)


出  处:《南洋问题探讨》2017年第4期71-77,共7页Southeast Asian Affairs

基  金:国家社会科学基金重大委托项目“语言大数据挖掘与文化价值发现”(14&ZH036)

摘  要:中泰两国地理相近、血缘相亲、文化相通,世界汉语热的兴起和中泰两国友好合作关系的不断发展,使泰国汉语教育呈现出生机勃发的局面。泰国是东盟重要国家,在促进汉语东盟地区传播和国际传播中可以发挥重要示范引领影响。本文介绍泰国汉语教育发展的近况,泰语论文范文泰语论文范文,阐述其在中华语言文化国际传播中所能发挥的独特影响,略论现存问题,并提出进一步优化泰国汉语言文化传播的对策建议。Thailand and China have the advantage of geographical proximity, consanguineous and cultural similarity. The development of Chinese education in Thailand is full of vigor and vitality with the fast development of global Chinese education and the rapprochement between Chinese and Thailand. Thailand is an important country of ASEAN and can pro- vide a demonstration effect in enhancing the spread of Chinese language and culture in ASEAN and around the world. This paper describes the development of Chinese education in Thailand, analyzes the unique advantage of Chinese education in Thailand in the global spread of Chinese language and culture, and discusses the existing problems. Finally, some countermeasures and suggestions for further optimizing the spread of Chinese language and culture in Thailand are put forward.

关 键 词:泰国 汉语教育 汉语国际传播 文化传播 
