浅析佛教作用下的泰国公司文化特点 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:宋帆[1] SONG Fan ( School of Oriental Language, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201720, China)


出  处:《金融教育探讨》2017年第2期71-74,共4页

摘  要:公司文化是公司生存、竞争、发展的灵魂。一个国家的公司文化必定受到该国传统文化的深刻作用泰国是一个典型的佛教国家,佛教文化对泰国公司文化的形成有着深远的作用。文章通过略论佛教对泰国公司文化的积极和消极作用,力求对我国公司文化建设和发展有一定的启示影响。Corporate culture is the soul of business survival,competition and development. The country's traditional culture affect the corporate culture deeply. Thailand is a typical Buddhist country,Thai Buddhist culture has a profound impact on the formation of corporate culture. This paper analyzes Buddhism's positive and negative effects on the corporate culture in Thailand,and there are some inspiration for China's corporate culture construction and development.

关 键 词:佛教 泰国 公司文化 
