入境游--泰国旅游业的学习与借鉴 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:邱萍[1] QIU Ping ( Sichuan Tourism University, Chengdu 610100, Sichuan, China)


出  处:《四川旅游学院学报》2017年第6期55-57,共3页

基  金:本文为四川省科研创新团队项目“旅游标准化探讨与运用”的成果,项目编号:13TD0019.

摘  要:文章试图通过略论较为成熟的泰国旅游业市场,诸如:基础设施的不断完善,旅游产品(纪念品)的开发与设计,政府主导“国家形象”的营销推广,旅游服务质量提升计划,持续改进的全闭合式管理等成功做法,近距离地观察“以小博大赢天下”的泰国旅游业发展战略,是如何使其成为国民经济的支柱,从而赢得亚洲首选国际旅游目的地美誉。以“他山之石”,结合国内入境旅游现存的问题,学习借鉴泰国旅游业的成功经验,为中国尤其四川的入境旅游市场发展提供有效的对策与建议。Relevant data indicate that inbound tourism has become a weakness for tourism development of China. This paper analyzes the mature tourism market of Thailand to learn how its tourism development strategies (such as improvement of infrastructure, tourism products and souvenir development, government's" national image" marketing, enhancement of service quality, and closed management, etc. ) establish the industry as the backbone of its economy and Thailand as one of the best tourist destinations in Asia, which in turn will provide reference for developing inbound tourism in China, Sichuan in particular.
