19世纪中叶以来泰国语言教育政策嬗变 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:谭晓健[1] TAN Xiao-jian (College of International Students,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China)


出  处:《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学与探讨版》2017年第1期71-79,共9页Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language

摘  要:19世纪中叶以来泰语论文题目,随着泰国民族主义的兴起,泰国在推动近代社会改革,构建民族国家和维护国家独立与统一的过程中,逐渐形成自己的语言语言教育政策。主要包括两个方面:一是实行单一的民族语言及其教育政策,即强制性地推行泰语及其文化,限制、排斥和消除其他语言文化,来促进各民族的融合及其对国家的认同;二是实行多元化的外语教育政策,尤其重视英语,泰语论文网站,强调外语的工具性,对有碍民族同化的外语及其教育采取长期压制的政策。进入21世纪以后,泰国政府在强调确保标准泰语的主导地位的同时,也十分强调维护本国的各种方言和少数民族语言,重视工具性的多种外语。泰国的语言及语言教育政策正朝着更加包容、多元并存的方向发展。Since the mid-1 9-century,under the influence of the rising nationalism and in the process of promoting social reform and establishing a nation-state and strengthening its national unity,Thai-land has gradually worked out its language and language-education policies.These policies have two typical features as follows:on the one hand,it has implemented a mono-lingual language policy and education,that is,the teaching of the Thai language and culture has been enforced to the exclusion of all other languages and cultures in order to promote the fusion of all ethnic groups and strengthen their national identity;on the other hand,it has also implemented the policy of multi-foreign langua-ges with an emphasis on English and on the practical functions of foreign languages,but it has dis-couraged the teaching of those languages that hinder its national assimilation.Since the 21st century, the Government of Thailand has tried to ensure the dominant position of the Thai language,and at the same time attached much importance to the maintenance of its dialects and minority languages as well as some foreign languages used as tools,which reveals a more flexible and tolerable orientation of its language-education policies.

关 键 词:嬗变 
