东盟经济共同体对泰国香米的作用探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:李艳平[1] Toungpom Panitchob(LI Yan-ping) ( Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)


出  处:《经济探讨导刊》2017年第1期259-265,共7页Economic Research Guide

摘  要:泰国是世界上重要的大米生产国和出口国,但它已经失去了东盟大米市场冠军的地位,越南现在拥有最大的市场份额。不幸的是,虽然越南目前控制着东盟的大米市场,泰语论文范文,100%的农户都不明白AEC协议。泰国必须尽快了解这一点,泰语专业论文,并寻求更卓有成效的措施来使用协议。在东盟经济共同体成立一年之后,泰国在东盟市场的地位已经达到最高,出口增长率为39.5%。Thailand is an important rice producer and exporter to the world,but the kingdom has lost the ASEAN rice market championship to Vietnam,which now has the largest market share.Unfortunately,as Vietnam now controls the rice market in ASEAN,fully 100%of the farmers do not understand what the AEC agreements say.Thailand must quickly understand this and find ways to use the agreements more fruitfully.After one year of the ASEAN Economic Community,Thailand’s status in the ASEAN market approach to the highest export growth rate at 39.5%.

关 键 词:泰国 东盟经济共同体AEC 泰国香米 
