泰国潮州籍华裔语言使用情况调查报告 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:游汝杰[1] YOU Rujie (Department of Chinese Laugnage and Literature,Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 China)


出  处:《海外华文教育》2017年第1期52-63,共12页

基  金:国家语委委托项目: 海外华语使用情况调查。批准号: WT 129 - 8

摘  要:本文采用社会语言学措施,多人次采样调查潮州籍华人语言使用情况,调查内容包括四部分:个人、家庭和母语等概况;语言使用频率;语言能力;语言态度和语言期望。调查结果表明:当代潮州籍华裔绝大多数以泰语为母语或第一语言;具备双语能力的华裔,潮州话一般仅用于私人场合、唐人街或同乡聚会;潮州话在泰国处于濒危状态;华裔对英语的期望值最高,汉语次之。It is in Guangdong mother tongue ; a sociolinguistic survey of province in Thailand. Th language ecology of overseas Chinese originated from Chaozhou e survey concerned four aspects: family background and frequency of different languages used; language ability ; language attitude and expectation. The result of the survey shows that the most of overseas Chinese in Thailand take Thai language as their mother tongue or first language ; The domains of the Chaozhou dialect are limited to private China town and fellow villagers party ; The Chaozhou dialect in Thailand is on the verge of death ; living , the language mostly worthy to wait is English and Chinese follows.

关 键 词:海外汉语 泰国华裔 潮州话 
