中国文化产品开拓泰国市场的可行性探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:余海秋[1] Yu Haiqiu


出  处:《东南亚纵横》2017年第3期43-47,共5页Around Southeast Asia

摘  要:泰国是中国的近邻和友邻,侨居着大量华人,随着中泰两国交往的不断深入,学习中文的泰国人数量也在不断增加,他们对文化产品的需求与日俱增.本文略论当前泰国的中国文化产品消费情况,理清开拓泰国市场的思路,找准开拓泰国市场的重点,为中国文化产品公司开拓泰国市场提供参考.Thailand is China's close and friendly neighbor with a large number of overseas Chinese living in Thailand. With the deepening of Sino-Thai relations, the number of Thai people learning Chinese is increasing, and their demand for Chinese cultural products is also growing. This article attempts to examine the prospect of the consumption of Chinese cultural products in Thailand, identify the major or prioritized areas for marketing, make clear of the necessary measures and steps to develop Thailand's market, and to provide a good role model for Chinese cultural products to explore other overseas markets, thus further enhance the overall strength and competitiveness of Chinese cultural products.
