浅谈政党制度化与政治发展的关系:以泰国为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:高奇琦 张佳威 GAO Qi-qi ZHANG Jia-wei (Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201720}


出  处:《南洋问题探讨》2017年第4期28-40,共13页Southeast Asian Affairs

基  金:国家社科基金重点项目“全面推进依法治国与国家治理现代化探讨”(14AZD133);华东政法大学政治学探讨院“华与罗世界文明与比较政治探讨项目”:上海市人才发展资金资助项目“国家参与全球治理(SPIGG)指数的指标与测量”(201773);上海市教委“曙光计划”项目“执政党与非政府组织间互动机制的国际比较探讨”(13SG50)

摘  要:政治发展大致可分为制度化、政治文化和结构系统化3条路径。而这3条路径均在不同程度上强调了政党制度化关于政治发展的重要意义。本文通过梳理西方学者对于政党制度化的探讨,提出自主性、系统性和功能性3项衡量政党制度化的标准。学界普遍认为,泰语论文题目泰国自1973年开启民主化转型,并于2001年起逐渐进人民主巩固阶段。但在其后的十数年间却两次发生军事政变,泰语毕业论文,民主转型和巩固的过程被迫终止。本文通过对民主党、泰国党(泰国发展党)以及“他信系”政党进行制度化程度的测量,认为:泰国政党在发展过程中的低制度化取向严重作用了泰国的政治发展。弱政党无法在泰国国家和社会之间搭建起有效的沟通平台,从而会加剧社会动荡和政治失序。The political development can be divided into three paths: the institutionalization, the political culture and the structural systematization. These three paths emphasize the important significance of the political party system to the po- litical development. Based on the western scholars' research on the political party institutionalization, the author proposes three measures of the institutionalization of political parties : autonomy, systematization and functionality. It is generally be- lieved that the transition of democracy in Thailand started from 1973, and the democratic consolidation stage began in 2001. But there were two military coups in the following ten years, which resulted in the end of the democratic transition and con- solidation process. From the measurement of the institutionalization degree about the Democratic Party, the Thailand Party (Thailand Development Party) and the Party of Thaksin group, the author believes that the low institutionalized orientation of the political parties in Thailand seriously affects its political development. It not only fails to build up an effective communication platform between the country and the society, but also leads to social unrest and political disorder.

关 键 词:政治发展 政党制度化 泰国政治 
