泰国初级学生汉语离合词之习得探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:林才均[1] LIN Caijun ( School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand 57100)


出  处:《海外华文教育》2017年第2期263-268,共6页

摘  要:本文基于诱发性语料与自然语料,主要依据准确率标准与正确使用相对频率法,初步研讨了初级阶段泰国学生现代汉语离合词之习得顺序与特点。探讨结果发现,总体上,泰国初级汉语学生离合词各结构的习得未达到习得成功的标准。其大体习得顺序为:重叠〉介词搭配〉插入修饰成分〉插入补语〉语素脱落〉V的重复〉名语素前移〉词性偏误〉插入助词。而这一习得顺序与泰国初级汉语学生习得离合词的特点密切相关。This is a preliminary study of the order of acquisition and the characteristics of Chinese elementary learners in Thailand toward the separable words in Chinese by accuracy criterion and relative frequency method. The data were based on elicited data and naturalistic data. The study found that Chinese elementary learners in Thailand generally couldn 't handle the Chinese separable words which contain several forms. Their acquisition order can roughly be expressed as: reduplication,preposition collocating,insert modifier,insert complement,morpheme losing,verb coping,n- morpheme forward leading,class error and insert auxiliary. The mentioned order of acquisition has always had a close link with the characteristic of Chinese elementary learners for learning Chinese separable words.

关 键 词:泰国学生 离合词 习得顺序 习得特点 
