不同施肥对泰国甜角苗木生长的作用探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:YUAN Lianzhen , SHI Fuqiang, TONG Qing, YANG Lihua, LI Wanli (1. Tropical Forestry Institute, Yunnan Academy of Forestry, Puwen, Yunnan 666102, China; 2. Puer Forestry Science Institute, Puer, Yunnan 665000, China)

机构地区:[1]云南省林业科学院热带林业探讨所,云南普文666102 [2]普洱市林业科学探讨所,云南普洱665000

出  处:《林业调查规划》2017年第5期85-87,119共4页Forest Inventory and Planning

基  金:云南省技术创新人才支撑项目(2017HB101);林业公益性行业科研专项(201704420)资助.

摘  要:在云南省景谷县威远镇坝朗村的泰国甜角试验林中,泰语论文网站泰语论文网站,进行了3a不同施肥对泰国甜角苗木作用试验,采用区组设计,每年对泰国甜角苗木树高、地径及萌发枝进行观测,对数据进行略论。结果表明:不同施肥对泰国甜角苗木生长存在极显作品用;施尿素能有效地促进泰国甜角树高、地径的生长和枝条萌发;泰国甜角栽培早期施肥应以N肥为主。In the experimental forest of Balang village in Weiyuan Town of Jinggu County, the experiment of different fertilization on three years seedling of Tamarindus indica has been conducted. The observation on seedling height, ground diameter and germination branches also been carried out by using block de- sign. The data analysis results indicated that the effects of different fertilization on seedlings growth were significant. Urea could effectively promote the growth of seedling height, ground diameter and germina- tion branches. N fertilizer was appropriate for early stage cultivation of Tamarindus indica.

关 键 词:泰国甜角 苗木生长 肥料 树高 地径 萌发枝 
