简析泰国皇家学术院在泰国标准语发展中的影响 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:朱蒙[1] Zhu Meng(School of Asian and African Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)


出  处:《东南亚探讨》2017年第3期108-111,共4页Southeast Asian Studies

基  金:上海外国语大学校级一般项目“泰国语言政策探讨”(KX181109)。

摘  要:泰语是泰国标准语,泰国皇家学术院作为泰国在语言规划和语言政策方面最具权威性的官方探讨机构,对泰语的发展起了重要影响泰语论文题目,其地位相当于法国的法兰西学院和西班牙的塞万提斯学院。本文主要从泰语标准的规范、新词汇的认定、泰语的宣传和保护以及对国家语言政策的制定提供依据等方面简要略论泰国皇家学术院对泰语的发展所起的影响。Thai is the standard language of Thailand,the Royal Institute of Thailand as the most authoritative offi-cial research institution in the language policy and the language planning,plays an important role in the develop-ment of Thai,as the position of the French Academy of France and the Cervantes Institute of Spanish. This article provides a brief analysis of the role of the Royal Institute of Thailand in the development of the standard language of Thai on the basis of the Thai standard specification,the new vocabulary identification,the promotion and protection of Thai and the reference comments for the language planning.

关 键 词:泰语 泰国皇家学术院 语言政策 
