中高级泰国学习者汉语方位词习得考察--以单纯方位词“上/下/里/中”为调查对象 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:胡清国[1] Hathai Sae-jia HU Qingguo & Hathai Sae-jia (DongHua University International Cultural Exchange School,Shanghai 2500051 China; Chinese Section, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University , Bangkok 10330 Thailand)

机构地区:[1]东华大学国际文化交流学院,中国上海200051 [2]朱拉隆功大学中文系,泰国曼谷10330

出  处:《海外华文教育》2017年第2期255-262,共8页

基  金:上海市教育科学探讨项目“外国学习者汉语语法教学探讨”,批准号:B13020

摘  要:本文基于泰国中高学习者的作文语料,系统地考察了泰国学习者汉语方位词"上、下、里、中"的习得偏误,主要表现为:缺位(遗漏)、赘余(多余)、错序与误代,偏误产生的主要原因是:语际干扰和语内干扰。在此基础上,提出了相应的教学建议。Based on the corpus of Chinese essays written by intermediate and advanced level Thai learners,This research explores systematically the errors in second language acquisition on Chinese direction words( shang,xia,li,zhong),mainly as follows: absence,redundant,wrong sequence and incorrect replacement. The main reasons of the occurrence of the errors are inter- linguistic interference and intra- linguistic interference. This paper attempts to put forward the relevant teaching suggestions.

关 键 词:汉语中介语 方位词 习得偏误 原因 教学建议 
