泰国传统乐器的乐律探讨--东南亚民族乐器与乐律实地考察之一 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:饶文心[1] RAO Wen-xin


出  处:《黄钟:武汉音乐学院学报》2017年第1期90-100,共11页Huangzhong(Journal of Wuhan Music Conservatory)

基  金:国家社科基金艺术学项目(编号10BD032)《泰国柬埔寨缅甸编锣乐队与乐器乐律探讨》阶段性成果

摘  要:泰国传统乐器乐律是东方音乐文化探讨中独特的乐律现象,自埃利斯论断为"七平均律"之后,百年来东西方学者或从其说或引介转述。笔者根据实地考察过程中的访谈、乐器测音及其略论认为泰国传统乐律存在着非平均律现象,西方学者人为平均化音程值是演算的结果与客观音响不符,泰国传统乐律分别围绕频率比10/9(182音分)与11/10(165音分)这两个自然谐音简比音程呈上下波动。泰国传统乐律与泰民族听觉心理具有一种宽容度。The music temperament of Thai traditional musical instruments is an individual phenomenon of music temperament in research on Oriental musical culture, since Alexander John Ellis conclusion of "seven equal temperament", both the Eastern and Western scholars had either followed it or introducing paraphrased. According to the author of this paper fieldwork interviews, measurement of pitch of the musical instrument with its analysis, it was believed that the Thai traditional music temperament have been non-equal temperament, the average interval value by Western scholars being the result of calculation that not accord with objective acoustics. The Thai traditional temperament respectively around frequency ratio of 10/9(182 cent) and 11/10(165 cent), these two natural harmonics intervals presentation of fluctuations up and down. The Thai traditional music temperament and Thai nationality psychoacoustics have a kind of tolerance.

关 键 词:宽容度 
