在京泰国留学生跨文化适应调查探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:亓华[1] 陈玉凤[1] QI Hua , CHEN Yun-feng (School of Chinese Language and Culture, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)


出  处:《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学与探讨版》2017年第6期75-82,共8页Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language

基  金:北京师范大学汉语文化学院科研资助项目“来华留学生跨文化适应探讨”.

摘  要:通过对在京泰国留学生社会适应、心理适应开放式问卷调查以及个人访谈,了解到来自不同地区的泰国留学生在中国学习、生活适应状况良好,其个人背景异同对他们的适应状况作用不大。泰国是佛教国家,泰国人性情随和、心态比较放松,大部分来华的泰国留学生都是华裔,关于中国文化有了解,来华学习汉语并没有给他们什么压力;泰国本科生、硕博探讨生的学习有压力,但可以通过旅游放松身心,他们回国也没有就业的压力。调查显示,大部分留学生心理正常,人际关系和谐友爱,没有人有重度抑郁倾向。无论社会适应还是心理适应,来华泰国留学生在总人数占前六位国家中属于最好的。Through open-ended questionnaires about the social and psychological adaptation of the Thai students learning in Beijing, this paper concludes that these Thai students from different parts of Thailand can adapt fairly well to the study and life in China, and their individual differences have little effect on their adaption to the Chinese lifestyle. It points out that Thailand is a Buddhist country, and the Thai people are mild-tempered and psychologically relaxed. Most of them are Chinese-Thais who know some Chinese culture and can learn Chinese fairly easily. Though the Thai undergraduates and graduate students have some pressure from their learning process, they can get relaxed through travelling. They do not worry about employment in Thailand after they have accomplished their study in China. It is clear that most Thai students learning in China are psychologically healthy, friendly and nobody suffers from severe depression. Of the students from the top six countries in terms of the number of the students learning in China, the Thai students are the best in terms of social adaptation or psychological adaptation.

关 键 词:泰国留学生 跨文化适应 社会适应 心理适应 
