半个世纪以来法语外语教授教养研究和理论经历的丰硕积聚,使得法语外语教授教养实际取得了极年夜的成长。语法教授教养因为其庞杂性,一向是法语外语教授教养研究的课题之一。我们回想法语外语教授教养实际成长进程,经由过程剖析三年夜教授教养法语法翻译教授教养法、视据说法、外交法和新涌现的行为教授教养法的特色与缺乏,特别是语法教授教养在个中分歧位置和办法,总结出法语语法教室教授教养的难点重要是由它的两重庞杂性决议的(一方面是法语语法自己的庞杂性;另外一方面是其教授教养对象及教授教养前提的庞杂性)。是以,我们以为不存在合适一切教授教养对象,一切教授教养前提的全能教授教养法,法语语法教室教授教养的症结就在于若何依据详细的教授教养对象和教授教养前提来调剂详细的教授教养办法。调和法为我们开辟了新的思绪,它赞助我们以开放视角来研究各类法语教授教养法的长处和缺乏,从而扬长避短设计出合适详细教授教养对象的语法教授教养办法,以便调动先生的积极性,激起他们的兴致,促使他们自动进修。依据以上实际,我们对法语辅修专业先生做了问卷查询拜访,针对他们的现实情形设计了义务教授教养法,并应用于教室教授教养理论,经由过程自我不雅察法发明成绩以期在往后的理论中完美。 Abstract: For half a century, French foreign language teaching research and theoretical experience of the rich accumulation, making the French foreign language teaching practice has achieved great growth. Because of its complexity, it has always been one of the subjects of the study of French foreign language teaching. We recall the practice of French language teaching and learning, and analyze the characteristics and the lack of teaching methods, as well as the teaching methods and the differences between them. In particular, the difficulties in the teaching of French grammar are summarized in the three aspects. So we think there is no suitable teaching object, all the teaching method of the universal teaching method, and the crux of the teaching of French grammar classroom teaching is how to adjust the detailed teaching method based on the detailed teaching object and the premise. Harmonic method for us has opened up a new train of thought it sponsored us with an open view to the strengths of the study of French teaching method and the lack of, to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses to design a suitable with the teaching object of grammar teaching method, so as to arouse the students enthusiasm, arouse their enthusiasm, make them active learning. On the basis of the above reality, we to minor in French students do a questionnaire visit, according to their actual situation design compulsory teaching method, and applied to the classroom teaching theory, through the process of self not Yacha method invention result in the later theory perfect. 目录: Remerciements 4-5 摘要 5 法语摘要 6-7 目录 7-9 正文 9-75 参考文献 75-78 |