法国中尉的女人是英国小说家约翰·福尔斯创作生活中当之无愧的代表作,亦是回击二十世纪六十年月“文学衰竭论”和“小说窘境论”的一部力作。该小说一经问世就因其在叙事上的改革和冲破而备受东方学术界的存眷,它奇特的叙事理念和手段曾为一度堕入“低谷”的东方小说指清楚明了偏向,所以对于法国中尉的女人的叙事战略研究有非常主要的意义。法国中尉的女人冲破了东方小说传统的叙事措施,启用了三个身份、目标和本能机能分歧的论述者讲故事。三位论述者站在分歧的立场停止论述,其实不断拆解、颠覆其他论述者的论述,充足地向读者揭穿了小说的虚拟性,极年夜地激起了读者的浏览兴致。法国中尉的女人中多重叙事视角的应用、天然流利的视角转换,完成了视角和论述的最好联合。小说经由过程多角度论述和多正面描绘,拓展了叙事的深度和广度。福尔斯将小说的时光配景设置在十九世纪,却又不时站在二十世纪的高度去评价小说中的人物、事宜,在这汗青与实际交错照映的年夜时光配景下,经由过程对时序的错位、时长的紧缩与扩大和重复的强调,加强了小说叙事时光的弹性和张力。在文本空间构造的处置上,文学拼贴画和多重不肯定性终局的应用打破了传统的单维闭合式的空间构造,全部文本出现多元化、开放式构造,加强了小说的艺术表示力和沾染力,使法国中尉的女人成了经久不衰的艺术范例。 Abstract: The French Lieutenant's woman is a British novelist John Fowles creative life worthy of the representative, is also a return of the 20th century, 60 years "literature of exhaustion theory" and "novel dilemma theory", a masterpiece of the. The novel came out, because of its reform in the narrative and break through and much of the Western academics concern, its unique narrative ideas and means was once falling "trough" oriental fiction refers to clear bias, so the narrative strategy of the French Lieutenant's woman on the research discussion has very important significance. The French Lieutenant's woman broke through the traditional narrative methods of the eastern novel, and opened the three identity, the target and the function of the difference between the two. The three discusses the stand in the position of the disagreement, in fact, constantly dismantling, subversion of the discussion of other discourses, enough to readers to expose the fiction of the virtual nature, greatly aroused the reader's interest. "French Lieutenant's Woman" in the use of multiple narrative perspective, the natural flow of perspective conversion, completed the perspective and the best combination of discourse. Through the process of multi angle and multi perspective, the novel expands the depth and breadth of the narrative. Falls will time background of the novel is set in the nineteenth century, and often stand in the height of the twentieth century to evaluate the characters in the novel, matters, in the history and actual staggered Zhaoying big time with king, through the process of timing misalignment, long contraction and expansion and repeat the emphasis, strengthen the elasticity and tension of narrative time. In the disposal of spatial structure of text, literary spell stickers and multiple not sure the final by breaking the traditional one-dimensional closed space structure, full text of a multiple and open structure, strengthen the novel's artistic expression and infectious, the French Lieutenant's woman into the enduring artistic paradigm. 目录: 中文摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 绪论 6-11 第一节 福尔斯与法国中尉的女人 6-7 第二节 课题探讨近况 7-11 第一章 叙事主体探讨 11-29 第一节 法中的三层叙述者 11-18 一、"故事外——异故事"叙述者 12-13 二、"故事外——异故事"和"故事内——同故事"叙述者 13-15 三、"自省"式叙述者"我" 15-16 四、法中多重叙述者的关系及功能 16-18 第二节 法中多变的叙事视角 18-27 一、第三人称外视角的应用 20-22 二、无限制型视角的应用 22-23 三、多重内视角的应用 23-25 四、视角的变异 25-26 五、法中视角转换的功能 26-27 本章小结 27-29 第二章 叙事时间探讨 29-40 第一节 历史与现实的交织 29-31 第二节 线性时间的深化 31-39 一、时序的错位 31-35 二、时长的压缩和扩展 35-37 三、反复的强调 37-39 本章小结 39-40 第三章 法中文本空间的扩张结构探讨 40-46 第一节 文学拼贴画 40-44 一、章首题词和脚注 40-42 二、自由评论 42-44 第二节 不确定性结局 44-45 本章小结 45-46 结语 46-49 参考文献 49-52 致谢 52-53 |