法国事西欧高福利国度的典范代表,在第二次世界年夜战以后,法国就树立了古代社会保证轨制。绝关于欧洲的其他国度,法国的社会保证轨制兼具社会化合作型和国度主导型两种形式的特色,具有保证规模年夜、保证程度高、保证品种单一、笼罩人群广等特征,有用地经由过程支出再分派减少了国民支出差距,保证了国际国民的生涯程度,并对二战后法国社会经济的飞速成长起到了相当主要的推动感化。然则最近几年来,法国的社会保证轨制成绩日趋凸显,成绩详细表示为收入程度绝关于经济成长速度一向偏高,社会保证基金赤字严重。这一太高的社会保证程度形成了国际掉业率赓续爬升,投资率日趋缩减,经济成长潜力缺乏等成绩,给以后国际经济成长形成了较为消极的作用。对此,法国当局正在积极地追求改造办法,力图改变这一晦气局势,经由过程猜测和剖析法国当局的改造取向,也可以或许为正处于扶植和完美中的具有中国特点的社会保证轨制供给自创和启示。经由过程引见古代法国社会保证轨制的根本内容,法语论文网站,归纳综合其全体特色,并在此基本长进一步树立数学模子,停止实证剖析,研究法国的社会保证程度和经济成长程度、掉业率、国际花费、储蓄和投资等微观经济变量之间的相干与回归关系,法语论文题目,可以反应出这一社会保证轨制的经济效应和给法国国际经济带来的作用。在此基本上对法国社会保证轨制的现存成绩停止剖析并研讨形成这一成绩的内涵缘由,可以瞻望法国当局将来能够的改造趋向,为我国社会保证轨制改造也能够供给无益的自创。 Abstract: Typical of France in Western Europe high welfare state, after the Second World War, France set the ancient social security system. In other countries of Europe, France's social security system has the characteristics of social cooperation and national leading two forms. It has the characteristics of large scale, high degree of assurance, a wide variety of products and a wide range of people. It can effectively reduce the national expenditure gap, guarantee the career of the international people and promote the rapid growth of the French economy. But in recent years, the French social security system has become increasingly prominent, the results are expressed in detail as the income level is absolute economic growth rate has always been high, the social security fund deficit is serious. The too high social assurance degree of the formation of the international unemployment climb ceaselessly, investment rate, increasingly reduced, economic growth potential problems such as lack of, to international economic growth formed more negative impact. In this regard, the French authorities is actively pursuit transformation approach, trying to change the unfavorable situation, through speculation and analysis of the transformation of the orientation of the French authorities, perhaps is in the construction and perfection with Chinese characteristics of social guarantee rail system to provide reference and enlightenment. Through the introduction of the basic content of the ancient French social security system, summarized the whole characteristics, and further establish a mathematical model, to stop the empirical analysis of the French social security and economic growth, unemployment rate, international spending, savings and investment and other micro economic variables of the relationship between the economic effect and the impact of the French international economy. On this basis of French society assurance rail of the existing performance analysis and explore the formation of the inherent cause, can prospect the French authorities future to transformation trend for our society guarantee institutional transformation can also supply useless created. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 第1章 绪论 8-14 1.1 探讨背景与探讨意义 8-9 1.1.1 探讨背景 8 1.1.2 探讨意义 8-9 1.2 文献综述 9-13 1.2.1 国内有关探讨近况 9-11 1.2.2 国外有关探讨近况 11-12 1.2.3 国内外探讨述评 12-13 1.3 探讨内容及探讨措施 13-14 1.3.1 探讨内容 13 1.3.2 探讨措施 13-14 第2章 法国社会保障制度发展的近况及特点 14-25 2.1 法国社会保障制度的近况 14-20 2.1.1 法国社会保障制度现有的管理模式 15-16 2.1.2 法国社会保障制度现有的基本结构 16-20 2.2 法国社会保障制度的特点 20-23 2.2.1 覆盖范围广 20 2.2.2 种类繁多 20-21 2.2.3 保障水平高 21 2.2.4 缴费比例不均衡 21-22 2.2.5 社会保障支出额度大 22-23 2.3 本章小结 23-25 第3章 法国社会保障制度的经济效应略论 25-39 3.1 措施模型及变量数据选择 25-27 3.1.1 措施与模型 25-26 3.1.2 变量的选取 26-27 3.2 社会保障水平与主要经济变量相关性略论 27-33 3.2.1 社保水平与人均GDP水平和经济增长率的相关关系 27-29 3.2.2 社保水平与老年人口比例和失业率的相关关系 29-31 3.2.3 社保水平与家庭储蓄和国内投资和居民消费的相关关系 31-33 3.3 社会保障水平与主要经济变量回归略论 33-37 3.3.1 经济增长效应 34 3.3.2 投资效应和消费效应 34-36 3.3.3 就业效应 36 3.3.4 收入分配效应 36-37 3.4 本章小结 37-39 第4章 法国社会保障制度的改革取向及启示 39-48 4.1 法国社会保障制度存在的问题及原因 39-41 4.1.1 法国社会保障制度存在的问题 39-40 4.1.2 法国社会保障制度存在问题的原因 40-41 4.2 法国社会保障制度的改革取向 41-43 4.2.1 调整缴费分摊率 42 4.2.2 转换社会保障支出方向 42 4.2.3 开源节流 42-43 4.2.4 发展补充社会保障体系 43 4.3 法国社会保障制度对中国社会保障制度的启示 43-46 4.3.1 对适度性水平方面的启示 44-45 4.3.2 对体系制度方面的启示 45-46 4.4 本章小结 46-48 结论 48-50 参考文献 50-54 致谢 54 |