
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


French foreign direct investment in their global direct investment category occupy an important position, in global FDI Outflow total ranked second, but the French direct investment in China accounted for less than one percent of France's total foreign direct investment; from our point of view, China's "Eleventh Five year task" report shows in China in the use of foreign capital completed the scope and quality of comprehensive development, application of foreign capital ranked second in the world, while the French in direct investment in China of countries and regions, ranked eighth. Attract the foreign degree of weak and attract French investment in the doldrums, the downturn in the French foreign direct investment weak and direct investment in China constitute the great contrast, from both sides of the angle, the French direct investment in China still exist very big growth space. So, it has a certain practical significance to stop the discussion on the influence of the French direct investment in China. To analyze the effect of the French direct investment in China. This paper, combined with a large number of French companies direct investment in China summarizes French direct investment in China growth process, scope, geographical distribution, industry distribution and characteristics; secondly, the supply and demand situation of identity influence on French direct investment in China by FDI supply and demand model split off, and on this basic on the status, economic status, from the policy decision resolution to promote and facilitate trade trade identity three lists and analyzed the influence of French FDI in China status, application of James and Francisco FDI effect measurement model of a 2008 1990 identity of French FDI in China to stop the regression analysis and empirical test of identity; first, according to the French direct investment in China the status of characteristics and influencing factor analysis of the results, for the application of justice in China's direct investment in France Policy recommendations. This paper considers to discover our great potential market and the rapid growth of national economy is an important driving force for the French direct investment in China, the French economy level of development is main factor that French direct investment in China, Sino French bilateral real exchange rate with the French investment in China is closely related to; and the influence of Sino French wage differential, difference between interest rates, French direct investment in China of late capital stock and policy variables actually is not obvious. Attract and reasonable application of French direct investment in China is further large direct investment in France valued efforts, at the same time, according to the characteristics of enterprise scope by targeted measures to broaden the French direct investment in China's information service channels, enhance intellectual property protection task.

