本文重要是针对2007年1月1日到2009年12月31日时代,中国青年在法国三年夜报纸媒体世界报、费加罗报和束缚报上的抽象停止剖析。起首,本文对法国三年夜报纸媒体对于中国青年报导的主题停止定量剖析,我们由此获得了三年夜报纸报导中国青年的配合主题。其次,法语论文题目,在定量剖析的基本上,法语论文题目,定性剖析着重于对文章内容的剖析。Tropes这一专门剖析文章内容的对象,赞助我们加倍迷信和客不雅地剖析三年夜报纸中对于中国青年配合主题的文章。中国青年在法国三年夜报纸媒体上的抽象表示为:中国青年有激烈的爱国情怀;我们还可以发明,中国青年在法国的抽象比拟负面;别的,三位任务在分歧范畴然则都取得胜利的中国年青人遭到法国三年夜报纸的存眷。依据第一章的实际论述,“抽象”和“呆板印象”是密弗成分的。我们的研究成果注解,针对中国青年的呆板印象有三个特色:一是年夜多半法国报纸文章以为中国青年是愤青;二是针对在法国的中国青年的呆板印象表示为他们老是很难融入法国社会;三是贾樟柯、刘翔、朗朗被法国记者选为中国青年的代表。现实上,呆板印象在跨文明外交中是弗成防止的,它在中法跨文明外交中的感化是两重的。一方面,呆板印象能够惹起两边的误会或许成见;而另外一方面,呆板印象又可以增进两边的跨文明外交。 Abstract: This article is for 2007 January 1st to December 2009 31 times, China Youth in France three of the eve of the newspaper "world news", "Le Figaro" and "Liberation Daily" image analysis. First of all, this article on the theme of three French newspapers reported on Chinese Nianye youth stop quantitative analysis, we obtained three major newspapers with the theme Chinese youth. Secondly, the quantitative analysis basically, qualitative analysis focuses on the analysis of the content of the article. Tropes this is a special analysis of the content of the object, we sponsored double superstition and objective analysis of articles about China with the theme of the three big youth newspaper. Chinese youth in France three of the eve of the newspaper media abstraction: Chinese youth have the intense patriotism, we still can discover, Chinese youth in France Abstract compared to negative; in addition, three tasks in different fields, however, have achieved the victory of Chinese young people by three of the eve of the French newspaper concern. According to the actual discussion of the first chapter, "abstract" and "stereotype" is close. We study notes, according to the China Youth of the stereotype has three characteristics: first, most of the eve of the French newspaper article that Chinese youth are fenqing; second is the said they always difficult to integrate into the French society; the third is Jia Zhang Ke, Liu Xiang, Lang Lang was French journalists selected as representative of the Chinese youth in the youth of France in China of the stereotype. In fact, stereotype is inevitable in cross cultural diplomacy, it cross culturalforeign role in France is twofold. On the one hand, stereotypes can cause misunderstanding or prejudice on both sides; and on the other hand, stereotypes can promote cross cultural diplomacy on both sides. 目录: Remerciements 5-7 中文摘要 7 Resume 8-11 Introduction 11-14 Chapitre 1 Concepts theoriques 14-21 1.1 Representations sociales 14-16 1.1.1 Definition 14-16 1.1.2 Fonction 16 1.2 Stereotype 16-21 1.2.1 Definition 16-18 1.2.2 Formation 18-19 1.2.3 Fonction 19-21 Chapitre 2 Problematique et Hypothese 21-23 Chapitre 3 Corpus et methodologie 23-29 3.1 Corpus 23-24 3.2 Methodologie 24-29 Chapitre 4 Trois presses quotidiennes les plus influentes en France 29-36 4.1 Le Monde,Le Figaro,Liberation 29-30 4.2 Histoire et tendance politique 30-32 4.3 Lectorat 32-36 Chapitre 5 Les representations sur les jeunes Chinois dans ces trois quotidiens 36-72 5.1 Analyse quantitative 36-42 5.1.1 Statistiques des sujets dans Le Monde,Le Figaro et Liberation 36-42 5.2 Analyse qualitative 42-72 5.2.1 Le nationalisme des jeunes Chinois 43-50 5.2.2 Les jeunes Chinois en France 50-55 5.2.3 Les trois stars chinoises-JIA Zhang ke,LIU Xiang et LANG Lang 55-63 5.2.4 La nouvelle generation 63-69 5.2.5 Resume des representations sur les jeunes Chinois 69-72 Chapitre 6 Les stereotypes sur les jeunes Chinois 72-82 6.1 La construction des stereotypes sur les jeunes Chinois dans la presse quotidienne francaise 73-79 6.2 L'influences des stereotypes sur les jeunes Chinois dans la communication interculturelle 79-82 Conclusion 82-85 Bibliographie 85-88 Annexe 1 Tableaux 88-106 Annexe 2 Abreviation 106-107 Annexe 3 Corpus du Monde, du Figaro et de l'Liberation CD 107-108 附表 108 |