从其出生以来,无限义务企业以“人合性”和“资合性”特色兼具著称,法语论文,但是因为股分的让渡,其实不能防止股分集中于一人一切的情形,再加上很多拉人头凑足最低股东人数的“稻草人股东”的存在,本质上的一人企业早已存在。1925年,列支敦士登成为世界上第一个立法认可一人企业的国度,开启了列国一人企业立法的先河。法国于1985年正式在司法上认可一人企业,法语毕业论文,其在一人企业立法方面的首创性和扶植性使得列国纷纭效仿。中国直到2005年公布新企业法才认可一人企业的存在,且个中只要短短的九条划定。本文试图经由过程中法两国在一人企业上立法的分歧,提醒法国一人企业立法的独到的地方,剖析可认为中国立法供给自创的一些经历。本文共分为三章。为了更好地商量一人企业这项轨制,第一章对其概略做一个引见,包含一人企业的来源、分类及法国与中国各自对一人企业的接收与认可的进程。第二章对两国对于一人企业的立法从其设立、运转到最初清理停止多方位的比拟论述。在第二章比拟的基本上,第三章凸起剖析法国立法的奇特的地方,并提出几点中国立法可以自创的处所,如:对设立后构成的一人企业停止规制、下降出资限额、引进出资担保轨制、增强内部管帐监视及树立健全信誉系统等。 Abstract: Since its birth, limited liability company to "human nature" and "capital" characteristics of both known, but because of the transfer of shares, in fact, can not prevent joint-stock concentrated in all, again plus is Dora head gather shareholder minimum number of "Scarecrow shareholders", essentially one man company has existed for a long time. In 1925, Liechtenstein became the world's first legislation recognized the kingdom of one man company, opened the nations one man company legislation precedent. France in 1985 formally in the judicial recognition of one man company, the legislation of one man company in first and foster the nations have followed suit. China until 2005 announced the new "company law" to recognize the existence of a person's company, and in a short period of nine as long as delineated. This article attempts through the process of the two countries in one person's company legislative differences, to remind the French one person company's unique place, the analysis can think of the Chinese legislative supply some experience. This paper is divided into three chapters. In order to better discuss one man company the rail system. Chapter 1 the outline to do an introduction, contains the source of one man company, classification and France and China each of one man company reception and recognition process. The second chapter of the two countries on the one person company's legislation from its establishment, the operation to the initial liquidation of the comparison of the comparison of the. In the second chapter match basically. The third chapter raised analysis of the peculiar place of French legislation, and puts forward several points that the Chinese legislation can create their own premises, such as to set up a one man company stop regulation, decrease investment quota, the introduction of investment guarantee system, strengthen the internal accounting supervision and establish a sound credit system etc.. 目录: RERMERCIEMENTS 4-5 摘要 5 Resume 6-10 Introduction 10-12 Chapitre Ⅰ Generalite de l'entreprise unipersonnelle 12-26 1.1 Emergence de l'entreprise unipersonnelle 12-18 1.1.1 Apparition de l'entreprise 12-13 1.1.2 Apparition du regime de la responsabilite limitee 13-14 1.1.3 Apparition de l'entreprise unipersonnelle 14-18 1.2 Classification des entreprises unipersonnelles 18-21 1.2.1 Classification des entreprises 18-20 1.2.2 Differents cas d'entreprise unipersonnelle 20-21 1.3 Acceptation de l'entreprise unipersonnelle en France et en Chine 21-26 1.3.1 Reconnaissance de l'entreprise unipersonnelle en France 22-23 1.3.2 Reconnaissance de l'entreprise unipersonnelle en Chine 23-26 Chapitre Ⅱ Comparaison du cadre juridique de l'entreprise unipersonnelle et en Franceet en Chine 26-38 2.1 Differences entre une entreprise unipersonnelle en France et une societe aresponsabilite limitee en Chine 26-31 2.1.1 Differences entre une EURL et une SARL en France 26-28 2.1.2 Differences entre une societe unipersonnelle et une SARL en Chine.30 28-31 2.2 Differences entre les entreprises unipersonnelles en France et en Chine 31-38 2.2.1 Constitution 31-32 2.2.2 Fonctionnement 32-34 2.2.3 Liquidation amiable 34-36 2.2.4 Responsabilite personnelle 36-38 Chapitre Ⅲ Particularites de la legislation francaise sur l'entreprise unipersonnelle etpropositions d'amelioration du chinois 38-45 3.1 Particularites de la legislation francaise sur l'entreprise unipersonnelle 38-40 3.1.1 Souplesses de constitution et de fonctionnement 38-39 3.1.2 Surveillance comptable externe 39-40 3.2 Quelques propositions d'amelioration du droit chinois 40-45 3.2.1 Regularisation des entreprises unipersonnelles derivees apresl'etablissement 40-41 3.2.2 Reduction du capital minimum et introduction du regime de garantiefinanciere 41-42 3.2.3 Renforcement de la surveillance comptable externe 42-43 3.2.4 Amelioration du systeme de credit 43-45 Conclusion 45-47 Bibliographic 47-49 Annexes 49-72 |