International Commercial Arbitration in Net Era(2)[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

From the above introduction, we can find out that the international arbitration play the important role in the international businessandeveryinternationalcommercialarbitrational institution try its best to develop its share in the international arbitration, but the way seems almost the same. They always pay attention to the parties?autonomy. Theycontinuously modify the rules for arbitration so as to give the more choice to the parties to decide. To some degree, the measure took some effect. But there are not some inherent changes. It is well known the party autonomy is the basic advantage for the arbitration. So if one institution wants to increase its share in the international arbitration, it has to find out the existing real disadvantages and overcome them.

As mentioned above, arbitration has so many advantages comparing with the litigation. But it still has very serious shortcomings, and the well-known main shortcomings are expense and delay. Especially, with the rapid development of digital technology, the procedure of international commercial arbitration seems obsolete. Mr. Justice Lander’s ever stated: the arbitration process has been perceived ?as having similar shortcomings to the litigation process. The perception is that the procedures in arbitration are not much less cumbersome than the procedures in the litigation process.

Arbitration is still slow and inconvenient.

Arbitration proceedings often take years. Although it may be short than the litigation, it is too long for the rapid development of new digital technology society. If it deals with the hi-tech case, arbitration will become unsatisfactory procedure. Paul D. Carrington ever stated: a few years ago, he met a lawyer from San Francisco who had made twenty-four trips to Asia to participate in the resolution of a single dispute. He reported that the arbitrators who would listen to one witness a week. The witness came from diverse places in Asia and North American. Although this case is a very extreme example, it reflects the reality in some sense. The parties of arbitration live in different countries, the arbitration institution is located in another country, and maybe the arbitrators live in other countries. All of them have to meet in certain place at certain time, but it maybe need a long time to meet together. For instance, if one party is in China, the other party is in Brazil; the arbitrators live in Australia, Russia and the United States. The parties select the arbitration committee in Stockholm, maybe Chinese party needs very long time to get the visa, and Brazil Party is the same. Thus, all of them need spend a long time to start hearing and it is obvious that how inconvenient it is. Sometime, the hearing will be held several times. In some circumstance, in order to correct consequential errors of the expediter, it might be necessary to suspend the hearing while additional is added to the submission. But such interruption will prolong the procedure and make the procedure more inconvenient. The absolute claim that arbitration is quicker than adjudication is simply no longer true.

Arbitration is still expensive.

The direct cost of arbitration mainly includes: (1) the arbitrator’s fee; (2) expenses for arbitrator travel and hearing room rental; (3) the cost of site inspection or experts appointed to assist the arbitrator; (4) legal fee.

Among these fees, legal fee usually takes up most part of the whole cost. The parties have to appoint lawyers to deal with the dispute except very simple case, because the law is very complexity. Legal fee main depends on how much time the attorneys spend. The longer the procedure lasts, the more legal fee is charged. At the same time, the disputes are often concern with professional knowledge, arbitrators have to appoint experts to assessment. The expense of employing these professionals is very high. In addition, the parties and their lawyers and arbitrators usually live in different countries, they have to make international trip to deal with the disputes. The transport fare is also very high. Hence, slow processing of arbitration will waste time and leads to the higher expenditure.

At present, because of these disadvantages, arbitration has been facing significant competition over the last few years from new tools of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, and mini-trials. These ADR mechanisms have been consistently advanced as alternative meant either to complement arbitration or to displace it altogether. So, arbitration institutions must make use of the advantage of new digital technology to short the processing, decrease the inconvenience and low the expense.

With the quick development of the Internet, e-commerce plays a more and more important role in economic growth. The development of e-commerce also makes online arbitration possible and necessary. The benefits of online arbitration are obviously. The first, convenient. The Internet has created new opportunities for parties to communicate and to engage in transactions at great distance. At the same time, the potential for disputes arising out of such communications or transactions between parties that are physically remote from each other has been increased. On-line facilities can eliminate the barrier of distance. There is no need for the parties and their lawyers and the arbitrators to travel from one side of the Planet to the opposite side. The second, speed. Speed is equal to distance divided by time. The elimination of the barrier of distance by the Internet and the use of the Internet as the medium for resolving disputes will increase the speed with which the dispute-resolution process can be conducted. The third, affordable. Since the cost of post and travel is reduced, and the duration of the proceeding is decreased, the arbitration cost will be decreased accordingly, thus the total
cost will be reduced to an affordable level.

