In the state enterprises,a collectivist ethos and corporatist structure sometimespersists,and the similarities continue.The line of demarcation between managementand labour in practice remains blurred in the state factories of both countries.In Vietnam,the workplace union has representation on the?council of four interestsì(bo tu ?management ,Party,trade union and youth league )in which it seemsto be able to play a role in wage determination and distribution of profits andin approving management decisions.[75]Similarly,in Chinese state enterprises ,wage policies are supposed to need the approval of the staff and workers‘representativecouncil.But since a large number of the so-called representatives are members ofthe managerial staff,including the managers ,法语论文题目,a system of checks and balancesdoes not exist.[76]The organizational structure in Chinese state enterprises isheavily weighted against the workers.In contrast ,the presence of a trade uniondoes make a difference at a Vietnamese workplace.Our fieldwork findings revealthat the Party branches are more likely to follow recommendations from the tradeunion. 1 |