The Formation of Diplomatic Policy in New China and its Main Characteristics (下)(2)[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

  According to documents made public.Chinese leaders in BeiJing had already receivedreports about Stalin‘s view before 13October.Mao Zedong’s telegram to Zhou Enlaion 13October showed that he was giving first priority to national security.Inthe same telegram Mao Zedong instructed Zhou Enlai to secure Soviet weapons on creditso that the national budget would guarantee the needs of economic and cultural construction;only in this way could China sustain the war effort in Korea for any length oftime and "`maintain the unity of the majority at home."22On the same day Mao Zedongsummoned the Soviet ambassador to China ,Nocola Rosin ,to an interview and saidto him that China was unable to buy Soviet weapons in cash and had to get them this way the 1951national budget would not be disrupted and "the democraticparties would be more easily convinced of our argument for entering the war ."23

  When Mao Zedong finally decided to send troops to Korea he had shifted the focusof his concern from "fulfilling the international duty‘’to the interests of nationalsecurity.At the same time,he also tried his utmost to reduce the negative impactof entering the war on the efforts to improve the war-torn economy and thereby toovercome resistance to his decision.It could therefore be concluded that China‘s role in the Korean War did not fundamentally alter the introversion of New China’s diplomacy ;only a new balance between introversion and extroversion was achieved,法语论文,with a bias towards introversion.

  III.The Historical Significance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  The CPC Central Committee first formally announced the principles of New Chinawith regard to the establishment of diplomatic relations soon after the People‘s Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River.As the spokesman of the General Headquartersof the Chinese People ’s Liberation Army ,on 30April Mao Zedong promulgatedthe principles for establish diplomatic relations with foreign countries:New Chinawas willing "to consider the establishment of diplomatic relations with foreigncountries ;and such relations must be based on equality ,mutual benefit ,mutualrespect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and ,first of all ,on no helpbeing given to the Guomindang reactionaries."24We do not know the detailed processof drafting and announcing this statement ,but it could have been a response tothe American search for contacts with the Chinese Communists,and a tactic forruling out military intervention from foreign countries.In other words ,it wasmade for the final victory of the Chinese revolution.

