Interpreting The Legend of the1900 in the Light of Existentialism[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09

  Key Words: Existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre, 1900, music

  Abstract: Existentialism as a modern Western philosophy and idea in the field of art has had a profound impact on a wide range. When the film combine with existentialism, they have the philosophy function of expressing thought and pain. This paper takes Giuseppe Tornatore’s The Legend of the1900 for example to analyze Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist philosophy in the movie. In this way we would be able to make a broader perspective, multi-lateral and multi-level explanation and appreciation of other related films.

  论文关键词:存在主义 让·保罗·萨特 1990 音乐


  Existential philosophy is a complex system. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Heidegger can be seen as its pioneers. Despite of profound doctrinal differences, they generally held that the focus of philosophical thought should be to deal with the conditions of existence of the individual person and his or her emotions, actions, responsibilities, and thoughts. France’s greatest philosopher in 20th century Jean-Paul Sartre, is considered as the guiding figure in the field of existentialist philosophy. He put forward three basic principles of existentialist philosophy, that is “existence precedes essence”, “the universe is meaningless and chaotic, life is painful”, “freedom and free choice”.

  Existentialism became fashionable in the post-World War years as a way to reassert the importance of human individuality and freedom. When the film combine with existentialism, they have the philosophy function of expressing thought and pain. A group of master directors who interpret existentialism by the means of photography appear in both east and west. As one of Europe rhyme Trilogy, the film The Legend 1990 is an excellent work to interpret existential thought. Its theme is choice and rational understandings and deeply feelings behind it. The hero 1900 in the film is a typical existentialist in terms of his life experience and values. His behaviors and characteristic correspond to the three major principles of existentialism. 1900 lives in a ship for his whole life, which is opposed to the prosperous land and correct understanding of things and the values of life. He ultimately chooses death as his destination. This is extremely close to existential thought. In the view of existentialists, people live in a confrontation with themselves and disappointing world. People’s identity in the world is uncertain. Though people have freedom of choice, they are full of chaotic feeling without specific aim when faced the future life. 1900 seems to be very clear that the true end of life is death. Death is the final destination of life and has very important significance for his existence.

  1. About “Existence Precedes Essence”

  “Existence precedes essence” is a well-known point of view of Sartre, which on behalf of the existence theory of “metaphysical”. Sartre’s “Existence precedes essence” means that, first of all human beings exist, appear, come on stage and then give their own definition. “Man, except image created by himself, is nothing.”

  The film The Legend 1990 just through the hero—a born pianoist’s “exist”, “appear”, “come on stage” to talk about his legendary life. 1900 is born on the sea, grows up on the sea and finally dies on the sea. He is a man without parents and nationality. He is a man full of mystery from his birth. He never touches the piano before but can play beautiful music the first time he touches it; he doesn’t go to the land for his whole life , however can imagine the exact landscape of it; he can read the mind of people and play music according to his mind. All of these are mysterious, which match the first principle of existentialism---“Existence precedes Essence”. Existentialism holds the view that the real thing is what lies in one’s heart. 1900’s born gift exists in his heart and is unique and mysterious. He despises rules which are recognised by the whole world. He emphasizes more on his own existence than the external recognition of him. He can defeat the founder of the Jazz easily and looks down on the Jazz; he refuses to make a fortune with his music but is content with simple poor life.

