【摘要】文章根据作者讲授外贸函电的经历,研讨了外贸函电的文体特点。外贸函电应准确,简明,扼要。礼貌和体谅也是商务信函书写的重要准则。同时运用主动句,少用被动句,信要写的自然,避免使用陈旧的语言。 【关键词】法语信函;文体特点;礼貌体谅;主动语态 外贸法语信函作为外贸法语的一个重要组成部分,受其行业特点的作用,具有其特有的文体风格。 在外贸业务中,每笔交易的达成,多与买卖双方的共同努力,相互协作密不可分。同时,为了搁置各自利益,买卖双方存在激烈的竞争。这种竞争中要有合作,合作中竞争的行业特点必然给外贸法语信函赋予鲜明的行业特点。 外贸法语最显着的文体风格之一是用语礼貌。礼貌的用语会给买卖双方的合作创造一个良好的氛围。友好的气氛是顺利进行业务交往的前提,即使交易不成,法语论文题目,也会起到“买卖不成人情在”的效果,为以后再次交往打下良好的基础。 一、措词用语礼貌客气 言语是表达情感的重要手段。礼貌客气的措词用语首先就在买卖双方之间创造一个友好的气氛。 1.对对方的一切友好表示,如询盘、报盘、订货等不管接受与否多要表示感谢 We thank you for your letter of Oct. 27 and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding the trade with you. 感谢你方10月27日来函,并希望同你方讨论扩大贸易合作的可能性。 We are pleased to receive your inquiry of January 10th and enclose our illustrated catalog and price list giving the details you ask for. 很高兴受到你方1月10日的询价。根据你方要求,现寄上带插图的目录及明细价格单。 We thank for your quotation of March 3rd and the samples of socks sent to us. 谨对3月3日的报价及寄来的袜子样品表示感谢。 2.提供令人满意信息时,要用语客气 We have the pleasure to inform you that the shipment per S.S “Nan Fang” has gone forward and hope that it will arrive at the destination in perfect condition. 欣告你方“南方”轮已顺利装载,希望到达目的港时货物良好。 Much to our delight, our manufacturers are prepared to rearrange their production for you. 令我十分高兴的是,厂家为您重新安排生产。 3.提供令人不满意的信息或向对方表示不满时, 更要注意措辞 Please accept our apologies for being unable to entertain your counter-offer. 不能考虑你方还盘,甚歉。 Much to our regret, the L/C for your order No 105 has not reached us up to now. 令我非常遗憾的是,贵方105号订单直至目前尚未到达我处。 It is regrettable to see an order dropped owning to no agreement on price; however, we wish to recommend you another quality at a lower price for your consideration. 很遗憾,因为无法就价格达成协议,失去了一个订单。但我们仍建议你们考虑较低价格的另一品级。 4.向对方提出要求,也要讲究礼貌客气 Your early reply to our request will be highly appreciated. 如蒙早日答复我方要求,我将不胜感激。 We look forward with keen interest to your punctual shipment. 我殷切希望贵方准时交货。 二、避免消极否定的语气 1.尽量避免使用具有否定含义的词语 The shipment will not arrive in Boston until the end of August. 这句话强调了装载的货不能早来这样一个不祥的事实,法语毕业论文,如反过来用积极肯定的语气表达,效果就不同了,看了令人鼓舞。 The shipment will arrive in Boston at the end of August. 再看下面这个句子: Your order can not be filled unless you request a minimum quantity of 1,200 pieces. 这句话不仅强调了什么不能做,而且还有指责对方的口气,不易为人所接受。最好改为: Your order can be filled if you request a minimum quantity of 1,200 pieces. 再如:We are holding back your shipment until we receive your payment. 应改为: We will forward your order to you as soon as payment is received. 2.防止“冷漠” 和“不必要条件” Your car will be picked up on Tuesday at noon. 本句并无语意毛病,但如采用较积极说法,效果则更好。 Your car will be waiting for you on Tuesday at noon. 下面再看“不必要条件”措词的不足之处。 a. If you send us a check for $1,200 right away, you will be able to--- b. By send us a check for $1,200 right away, you will be able to--- a句中含有对方可能不会寄交支票来的言外之意。把“if”至于句首,则更强调了条件限制。而b句虽表达同样意思,却无上述否定可能性的言外之意。 3.要采取对方立场 作为一个交际者,面临的最大挑战是如何使对方感到自己的重要性受到尊重。对方会原谅你的无意疏忽或模棱两可的态度,却受不了你的轻视鄙薄。 1 |