摘 要:随着外语教学措施的不断革新,戏剧这种艺术形式越来越广泛地被运用于外语教学。除了在课堂上组织戏剧表演和角色扮演之外,法语毕业论文,将手势、表情、角色、场景、音乐等戏剧元素分别融入传统的教学环节中可以形成灵活多样的戏剧性教学活动,法语论文网站,合理利用这些活动能达到比传统教学模式更加显著的教学效果。With the innovation of foreign language teaching method, theatre is more and more organized in foreign language classes. Besides theatre playing and role playing, which are widely organized as traditional activities, a variety of theatrical activities integrating gesture, facial expression, role, setting or music in traditional teaching process are applicable and, compared with traditional teaching activities, are able to obtain a more prominent teaching effect. In context of French course, this article consists in explaining, by demonstration, how different theatrical elements are integrated in traditional teaching process to improve class interaction, perfect student' s communication competence, promote culture input and develop student's mentality. |