
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:根据莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论和意象图式理论,在对“on”和“under”等方位概念词语进行系列性跨语比较探讨的基础上,对英、法、汉语言中作为意象图式概念的“over”、“dessus”和“上边”另一方位概念词语进行了跨语空间隐喻比较略论,法语论文范文,从中发现在这三种不同的文化当中表示同一意象图式概念的“OVER/DESSUS/上边”各自都有四个原型用法,居然不谋而合,分别以空间域作为始源域,将空间域的意象图式结构映射到非空间抽象域之上,法语论文范文探讨结果再次佐证了认知语言学的“许多抽象的概念结构部分源起于意象图式结构,抽象思维在一定程度上是隐喻思维”的认知观。Based upon the theory of conceptual metaphor and image schema by Lakoff & Johnson and a serial cross-linguistic comparative study of spatial conceptual words such as "on" and "under", a successive study of another word taken as the concept of image schema "'OVER/DESSUS/SHANG BIAN" from English, French and Chinese respectively is conducted. As a result, the common use of four prototypes for"OVER/DESSUS/上边"putting across the same concept of image schema in Chinese and Western cultures is found therefrom, space domains are regarded as source domains respectively in spatial metaphors, and image-schematic structures in space domains are mapped onto non-spatial abstract domains. Study results once again prove the cognitive theory that lots of abstract conceptual structures derive t partially from image-schematic structures, and abstract thought is to some extent metaphorical thought.
