An Exploration of Outstanding Student Cultivating Mode for French Major Undergraduates in Beijing Ci[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-17



With the change of higher education concept from elite education to mass education, non-gov-ernmental higher education is urgent to take reform and explore new talent cultivating mode. In the mean-while, Beijing City University (BCU) put forward the practical teaching and hierarchical training principle by taking implementation of international education and the quality of our students into account. Under the above circumstances, outstanding student cultivating system possesses a strategic significance. Through a study and analysis of other universities' talents cultivating plan, an investigation of the outstanding student selection criteria & system and the consideration of the university's characteristics, the paper presents an outstanding student cultivating mode under layered curriculum and academic tutorial system.
