在法国巴黎第六大学(U PM C ,皮埃尔和玛丽·居里大学)访问期间,法语毕业论文,对法国的高等教育体制和高等教育特点进行了详细的了解,发现法国的高等教育在设置、教学、科研和管理等方面都有许多值得我们借鉴和学习的地方,特别是在教育教学方面对我国高等教育的改革提供了很多启示。
Abstract: During France Sixth University in Paris (UPMC ,Pierre and Marie Curie University ) ,I have a detailed understand-ing of the characteristics of the France higher educational system and the higher education and found that the settings ,teach-ing ,scientific research ,management experience and many other aspects of France higher education merit our reference and learning ,especially in the area of education and teaching ,which has provided a lot of inspiration for China’s higher education reform . ,法语毕业论文 |