24土木工程学报2(X)3年1 IntrodUdion 珊len an activity within aeonstI’UetionP呵eet 15 sehed-uled to be eamed out on a pariieulard盯and for some rea-son ean not be eonlpleted,a del盯15 said to have oceu脱d.This Ina,be of little eonseqUence,u过ess it affeets subse-quent work when itm叮beeome 51罗ifieant in terms of bothits planning and its finaneiali呷lieations .51邵ifieant delavsthat oceur during a eonstruetion projeet will either extexld itsduration or increase its eost or hath·In addition,if conlpl......(论文页数是:11页) ,阿拉伯语论文,阿拉伯语论文网站 |