对于阿拉伯人与阿拉伯语的历史探寻 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:陈万里[1] CHEN Wan-li (The Middle East Studies Institute Shanghai International Studies University , Shanghai 200083 )


出  处:《回族探讨》2017年第4期89-94,共6页Researches on the Hui

基  金:“上海高校一流学科(A类)外国语言文学”资助

摘  要:什么是阿拉伯人?今天使用的标准阿拉伯语究竟源自阿拉伯半岛哪个区域?沙漠之民、游牧民族、萨拉森人与阿拉伯人之间是什么关系?长期以来,阿拉伯语论文题目,中外学者从多个视角进行了探讨。本文将对有关“阿拉伯…‘阿拉伯人”历史考证的观点进行梳理,阿拉伯语论文题目,对今天标准的阿拉伯语源自阿拉伯半岛哪个区域提出自己的观点。What is the Arabs.9 And where does the standard Arabic language originates in Arabian Peninsular? What are the relations among the concepts of desert people, nomads, Saracens and the Arab .9 Although the ques- tions mentioned-above have been studied from many perspectives home and abroad. Based on the literature review on the concepts of "Arab" and "the Arab" from a historical perspective, the author comes to his new conclusion on the original location of the standard Arabic.

关 键 词:阿拉伯人 阿拉伯语 阿拉伯半岛 历史探寻 
