作 者:陆芸 机构地区:福建社会科学院 出 处:《海交史探讨》2017年第2期26-32,共7页 摘 要:与宋代交往的国家中,出现了层檀国的名字,它曾三次遣使入贡。根据《续资治通鉴长编》、《文昌杂录》、《宋会要辑稿》、《清波别志》的相关记载,层檀国是塞尔柱帝国(1037—1194),阿拉伯语“ ”,可以音译为层檀。同时对《文昌杂录》卷1记载的层檀位置做了考证,认为胡卢没国是拜占庭帝国,霞勿檀国是伽色尼王朝,利吉蛮国是哈剌汗国。塞尔柱帝国虽然存在的历史不长,但11世纪末它疆域辽阔,曾是雄霸一方的大帝国。但好景不长,塞尔柱帝国很快就四分五裂了,中国的相关史籍记载中不复见其名字。According to historical records, Cengtan Kingdom, the Chinese translation for Seljuq Empire (1037 - 1194) or " " in Arabian, had sent three tributary missions to the Song court. This article attempts to figure out the location of Cengtan and points out that Hulumo, Xiawutan and Lijiman refer to Byzantine, Ghaznavid and Qara - Khanid Khanate respectively. Although Seljuq did not exist for long, it used to be a powerful empire with vast land at the end of the 11 th century. After its decline, there was no more record about it in Chinese sources. ,阿拉伯语专业论文,阿拉伯语论文 |