作 者:周放[1] 机构地区:[1]上海外国语大学东方语学院阿拉伯语系,上海200083 出 处:《历史教学:高校版》2017年第6期 68-71,共4页 基 金:本文受高等学校特色专业建设点项目(TS2194)资助,上海市重点学科建设项目(B720)资助以及“211工程”三期重点学科资助. 摘 要:阿拉伯民族及其文化,实际上是由作为征服者的阿拉伯半岛居民与广大被征服地区皈依伊斯兰教的土著居民长期融合的产物。而“舒欧比亚”乃是这个民族融合体中被征服者对征服者特权地位所作出的反应。这种反应在世界史上又是一种罕见的“例外”:被征服者不仅接受了征服者的伊斯兰教信仰,而且还接受了后者的语言,阿拉伯语论文范文,尽管前者的文化要比后者先进得多。这也就凸现出伊斯兰教与阿拉伯语本身的某些“优点”。Historically, the formation of Arab nation and its culture is a result of the mixing of ancient Arab conquerors from Arab Peninsular and the local peoples who used to live on the land which was later occupied by Arabs. The emergence of “Shu'ubiyah” can be treated as a reaction made by the conquered peoples against the privilege of the conquering people, although they had merged with one another into a united nation; however this reaction-Shu'ubiyah-4s a unique exception in the world history, in that the conquered peoples not only took up their conquerors' religion-Islam, but also accept their language-Arabic, in spite that the conquered peoples held a superior civilization.The uniqueness of Shu'ubiyah may illustrate the excellence of Islam and Arabic. 关 键 词:舒欧比亚 民族征服 伊斯兰教 阿拉伯语 ,阿拉伯语论文范文 |