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Abstract:The Catcher in the Rye is J. D. Salinger's only novel, honored as modern classic of American postwar literature. This novel is narrated in the point of view of a boy at the age of sixteen. It is a story about his life of three days and two nights in New York after he is dismissed by school before Christmas. The particularity of the point of view, its protagonist, and the richness and freshness of its content arouse both praises and criticism. Through reading, we not only experience Holden's touch with the society but also see Holden's long and difficult inner journey. In this process, Holden wanders hesitantly between the world of childhood and adulthood and shows a complex and contradictory character. He sometimes is very brave to fight with whatever he hates and sometimes plans to flee from reality. Sensitive and tender, he longs for love and understanding. However, he is influenced by the adult world and comes down with some corruption habits. The sides of his character form an obvious contrast and reflect his complexity of his personality. Meanwhile, it lets us see how he is influenced by four factors, family, school, society and his own limitations, comes into such a character and in end break down after the spiritual suffering. Though the analysis of text, we realize the huge influence of family, school and society on the growth of the juvenile and the necessity of paying attention to their psychology. In contemporary society, teenagers are faced with various challenges and crises. It is high time for families, schools and society to improve, care and protect the juvenile and set up a healthy environment. Key words: contradictory character factors inspiration
中文摘要:《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格唯一一部长篇小说,被誉为美国战后文学的现代经典。本书以一个十六岁男孩的视角,记述了他在圣诞节前夕被开除后流浪于纽约三天两夜的故事。视角的特殊性,主角的特殊性,内容的充实和新鲜,使评论界对其褒贬不一。通过详读小说,我们不仅跟随着主角霍尔顿的文字,体验了他三天两夜与社会的交流,也让我们看到了霍尔顿本人一次漫长与艰难的心灵旅程。在这过程中,我们得以认识一个徘徊在儿童与成人世界左右为难、性格复杂矛盾的青少年形象。他时而勇敢地与自己厌恶的事物做斗争,时而企图退缩与逃离现实;他内心敏感脆弱,渴望被爱与理解,但又与社会同流合污。霍尔顿性格的两面形成了强烈的对比,也突出了其性格的矛盾性与复杂性,同时也让我们看到霍尔顿如何深受家庭、学校、社会和自身局限的四重影响,最终形成这样的性格并因此年幼的心灵经历了一番痛苦的精神折磨而走向崩溃。通过文本分析与理解,我们看到了家庭、学校和社会对青少年成长的巨大影响,看到了关注青少年心理成长的必要性。当今社会青少年的成长遭遇着各种挑战与危机,我们的家庭、学校、社会是时候改善自身不良因素,为青少年付出更多的关爱与保护,共同为他们营造一个良好的成长环境。 关键词:矛盾性格 因素 启示
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The Catcher in the Rye is J. D. Salinger's only novel, honored as modern classic of American postwar literature. This novel is narrated in the point of view of a boy at the age of sixteen. It is a story about his life of three days and two n...... |