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Abstract:Since Wuthering Heights is published, there have been various reviews about Heathcliff’s characteristics. Most of them are just to criticize Heathcliff. People who can study Heathcliff with peaceful and unbiased minds are rare. What’s more, the duality of wickedness and goodness is embodied in Heathcliff. This thesis will elaborate on the aspects of the historical background of Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff’s experiences and psychological state to bring to light his kindness. The original text and some important chapters and sections of the novel are the basic referential material. Heathcliff is depicted as the embodiment of demon. He is not born to be a bad seed. The tragic life of Heathcliff is mostly caused by the injustice of society. As Heathcliff’s hatred is vanished, his charm is gradually glowing. The twisted personality is partly formed by the society: he hasn’t enjoyed the warmth of family; he felt betrayed by love; his miserable life didn’t give him any comfort. Although he is destined to have a sad life, the love and conscience in his heart suggest that humanity rule. As a great literary work, Wuthering Heights also reveals the transformation and return of Heathcliff’s humanity. Freud believes that most of people’s instinctive desires exist in unconsciousness, which could generate huge spiritual power. Those instinctive desires often contradict with social ethics, conventions, and laws. Class consciousness and worldly ideas inhibit and suppress people’s real needs, which cause conflicts. In the novel, Heathcliff’s desires are suppressed in every way for a long time, which helps form Heathcliff’s twisted personality. However, the kind side of Heathcliff is still fighting for existence and expression. In the struggle of soul, the kind side of humanity finally triumphs over the evil side. Key Words: Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; vengeance; humanity
中文摘要:自呼啸山庄问世以来,对希斯克里夫形象的评价百闻不鲜,但多半是批判讽谤多,而平心静气的学理探究少,更忽视了人性的双面性与善良之面在希斯克利夫身上的表现。本文从呼啸山庄的历史背景、希斯克利夫的生平经历、心理学的方方面面,以及紧扣原文的章节与重点情节着重探究这一暴风中的善良的心。 希斯克利夫被描绘成“恶魔的化身”,但他是在不公正的环境下经历的人性的蜕变,恶魔不是与生俱来的,恶魔在复苏为人的过程中正是人性中善的魅力。 人格的扭曲总有社会背景的驱使:寄人篱下,没有家庭的温暖,爱情的背叛以及不幸的一生,所有的一切是悲剧人生的开始,但爱与善的残留是人性回归的必然支柱。 《呼啸山庄》作为一部伟大的文学作品,本文还从心理学角度分析主人公希斯克利夫人格的蜕变与回归。著名心理学家弗洛伊德认为,人有许多本能欲望存在于无意识之中,拥有巨大的心理能量,但是,这些本能欲望却往往与社会道德、习惯和法律,甚至阶级意识、世俗观念等发生冲突,受到压抑和控制,形成矛盾冲突。小说中,主人公希斯克利夫正是由于长期过度压抑的欲望得不到满足而造成的人性的扭曲,但人格中善的一面仍在做着斗争。在一场心灵风暴,人性中善的一面总能在最终战胜恶的一面。 关键词: 呼啸山庄; 希斯克利夫; 复仇; 人性
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:The twisted personality is partly formed by the society: he hasn’t enjoyed the warmth of family; he felt betrayed by love; his miserable life didn’t give him any comfort. Although he is destined to have a sad life, the love and conscienc...... |