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Abstract:Now, half a century later after the publication of Lolita, Hurrican Lolita’s gusts of wind can still make a deaf man hear, since many scholars both home and abroad are making great efforts to study Nabokov and his masterpiece Lolita. In spite of Nabokov’s anti-Freudian offensive, I am so enchanted by the web of tragic desire which Humbert’s entangled in that based on Freud’s French disciple Lacan’s psychoanalytic theories, I undertake interpretations of Humbert in four aspects: (1) Humbert’s needs: He holds his father partly responsible for his perversion. His denial of castration stamps him as a pervert. By desiring the distant, inaccessible and forbidden nymphet, he was running the risk of never experiencing true love. (2) Humbert’s absolute object. As addicted to fetishes, Humbert’s jouissance reaches its climax in the Sunday morning scene. And after the erotic scene at the Enchanted Hunters, he was affected by a fading of desire. (3) Aphanisis. Humbert regards Lolita as a nearly artistic object concealing that he’s forcing her to indulge his perverse needs as a service provider, consumed as he is by his auto-eroticism. Aphanisis reaches its peak when he learned that Lolita is experiencing jouissance with Quilty, another sadistic pervert. (4) Humbert’s demand. Humbert gives a free rein to his sadism for the first and only time during the murder scene, but sacrificing Quity – the scapegoat has not cured or appeased himself. Finally, by admitting his deprivation of Lolita’s happiness, he wants to disburden himself of the care of his desire and his lack of being. Humbert, a narcissist and pervert, losses himself in meeting his own needs and demand. Moreover, he makes unforgivable damages to others’ lives and finally gets the right punishment. So as not to share the fate of our predecessor – poor Humbert, we, college students, should learn lessons from him, be responsible for what we have done and will do and purify ourselves in our own hearts, not being driven by desires. Key Words: Humbert, Lacan, psychoanalytic theories
中文摘要:距离《洛丽塔》首次出版一个半世纪后的今天,洛丽塔飓风的强劲风声依旧使人振聋发聩。现在,国内外大量的学者一如既往地致力于研究纳博科夫和他的巨著——《洛丽塔》。 略带悲情色彩的欲求编织成了一张大网,将亨伯特禁锢其中。这让我深深着迷。虽然纳博科夫对弗洛伊德的理论持反对态度,但是我依旧想用拉康——弗洛伊德的法国信徒的精神分析理论来解读亨伯特。 全文共分以下四个部分:(1)亨伯特的需求。亨伯特将自己的变态心理部分归因于他的父亲。他对阉割的否认将他定义为一个性变态。因为他欲求的是那些遥不可及、禁忌的“性感少女”,所以他或许永远无法体验到真爱。(2)亨伯特的绝对目标。基于亨伯特的恋物情节,他的快感在“星期天早晨”这一幕中达到了巅峰。但是在“‘着魔的猎人’旅店”这一颇具色情意味的一幕后,亨伯特的欲求开始逐渐减弱。(3)性功能丧失恐怖。亨伯特将洛丽塔视为一个近似艺术性的目标,而掩盖了他为了满足自体性欲、逼迫她提供纵容自己性变态需求的服务的事实。当他发现洛丽塔因为和另一个残暴的性变态——奎尔蒂交往而第一次真正体验到快感时,性功能丧失恐怖使他第一次心脏病突发。(4)亨伯特的请求。在杀害奎尔蒂这一幕中,亨伯特第一次,也是唯一一次释放了他的残暴,但是牺牲奎尔蒂这个替罪羊并没有治愈或平息他自己。最后,亨伯特承认自己剥夺了洛丽塔的幸福,借此他想减轻只关注自己欲求和自我缺失的罪恶感。 亨伯特,这个自恋者和变态,在满足自己的需求和请求的过程中丧失了自我。而且,他对他人的生命造成了无法原谅的破坏,自己最终也受到了应有的惩罚。为了不重蹈可怜的亨伯特的覆辙,作为大学生的我们,应该从他身上吸取教训,为所做的和将要做的事情担负起应尽的责任,净化自己的内心使其不被欲求驱使。 关键词:亨伯特;拉康;精神分析理论
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Humbert, a narcissist and pervert, losses himself in meeting his own needs and demand. Moreover, he makes unforgivable damages to others’ lives and finally gets the right punishment. So as not to share the fate of our predecessor – poor ...... |