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Abstract:Ernest Hemingway is one of the most significant modernist writers in America. In his novels, the male characters are mostly code heroes, who are usually ordinary men but have the tough side in their personalities. Code heroes represent all the male characters in Hemingway’s works. However, in some of Hemingway’s short stories there still exists another kind of antiheroes rather than “code heroes”. This issue will carry on a deep analysis of the men in two of Hemingway’s short stories, that is, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot and Cat in the Rain to show that these male characters as well as the code heroes make Hemingway’s image of antiheroes more vivid. In this way, the author would like to get the readers to have a full view of Hemingway’s works. The two short stories --- Mr. and Mrs. Elliot and Cat in the Rain --- both describe what took place between wife and husband. Hubert Elliot and George-the main characters in two short stories are different from code heroes in Hemingway’s other works who are with brave spirits, not defeated when facing difficulties and never tend to give up. On the contrary, Hubert and George may act negatively and hold indifferent attitudes in certain situations, i.e. in the matrimonial cohabitation. Here the author will connect the two heroes with Hemingway’s historical and social background to show that though Hubert and George are not that well known as code heroes they are also the epitomes of “the Lost Generation”. The author will also analyze the anti-heroes (main male characters) from two aspects (the utility of symbolism and the analysis of the actions) and dig out the many meanings which hide between the lines of the context, which is as the seven eighths of the “iceberg” under the water, hoping to help the readers know more about the language style of Hemingway and better understand the two short stories. Keywords: Hemingway; anti-heroes; male characters; Mr. and Mrs. Elliot; Cat in the Rain
摘要:厄内斯特·海明威是美国著名的现代主义作家。在他的长篇小说中,男性形象多为“硬汉”形象,即以普通人为主,突出普通人的性格坚强的一面 ,“硬汉”几乎成为海明威作品的男性形象的代名词。然而,在海明威的一些短篇小说中,还存在着除了“硬汉”形象之外的另一种“反英雄”人物。本文通过对海明威的两篇短篇小说《艾略特夫妇》和《雨中的猫》中的男主人公形象进行深刻分析,表明这种“另类反英雄”人物同样丰富了海明威笔下“反英雄”形象的画面,以期帮助读者更全面地了解海明威的作品。《艾略特夫妇》和《雨中的猫》这两篇短篇小说都讲述的是发生在妻子和丈夫之间的故事。休伯特·艾略特和乔治是这两篇小说的主人公并都扮演着丈夫的角色。而且,他们的婚姻都不幸福。这两个人物与海明威其它作品中的“硬汉”不同。在面对艰难问题时,“硬汉”们有着不消沉、不退却、冷峻地与命运抗衡着的坚韧的精神。相反,休伯特和乔治表现得消极,特别在婚姻生活中他们妥协、软弱或者冷漠、麻木。笔者将这两个男主人公与海明威所处的时代及社会背景相联系,展现他们抱着和“硬汉”截然不同的人生态度,却同样是“迷惘的一代”的缩影;接着,笔者从象征的使用和人物的行为两个方面对短篇小说的“另类反英雄”的人物形象塑造进行剖析,挖掘潜藏在文本的字里行间中的大量内容,即海明威所说的“隐没在水面以下”的“八分之七”的“冰山”,帮助读者体验海明威小说的语言风格,更好地理解这两篇短篇小说。 关键词:海明威;反英雄;男性形象;艾略特夫妇;雨中的猫
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Ernest Hemingway is one of the most significant modernist writers in America. In his novels, the male characters are mostly code heroes, who are usually ordinary men but have the tough side in their personalities. Code heroes represent all t...... |