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Abstract:Moment in Peking and Gone with the wind ,as two well-known literary works which both enjoy the famous reputation in the eastern and the western worlds, are both focused on their respective leading female roles. Yao Mulan in Moment in Peking represents an ideal woman in the eyes of its author, Lin Yutang. Although she is a modern woman with new thoughts, Mulan still can’t escape from the restrictions of feudal ethical codes or old marriage systems of arranging a match by parents' order and on the matchmaker's word. Academic circles also hold different views about Yao Mulan. On the other hand, the success of Gone with the wind owes to the description of Scarlett’s life experiences before and after the American Civil War, as well as its unique and complex characters. Meanwhile, readers stick to varied opinions about Scarlett’s personality, as she is greedy and capricious to get whatever she wants at any cost. Yao Mulan and Scarlett, two modern women created respectively by a western novelist and an eastern novelist, they are featured by distinctive personalities and imprinted by times. This subject is about doing researches on two heroines, so as to analyze the differences and causes of female consciousness in the east and the west from the perspective of cross-culture awareness and feminism. There are six chapters in the essay. Chapter One mainly introduces the works as well as the differences of two heroines as to their ways in facing life, personality, features and thinking patterns. Chapter Two introduces the current studies about the subject and the significance of the essay. Chapter Three analyzes the differences of female consciousness of two heroines by their distinctive personalities and their attitudes about love, so that we are able to explore the differences of female consciousness in the east and the west generally. Chapter Four introduces two theories of cross-culture awareness and feminism. Chapter Five uses these two theories to analyze causes of differences of female consciousness in the east and the west. Chapter Six makes a conclusion of the essay, generalizes its significance and expresses our wishes of arousing more public concern over females. Key words: female consciousness, feminism, cross-culture awareness
摘要:作为东西方享誉盛名的文学著作,《京华烟云》和《飘》均以女性为主角,深受读者的青睐。《京华烟云》中的姚木兰代表了作者林语堂心目中的理想女子:“若为女儿身,必做木兰也”。然而她虽有新时代女性的思想,面对婚姻却依然受到传统礼教的束缚,摆脱不了父母之命,媒妁之言的旧时婚姻制度。学术界对姚木兰也是持褒贬不一的态度。而《飘》的成功之处莫过于对女主人公斯嘉丽在南北战争前后的人生经历的描写和其独特复杂的人物形象的塑造。同时,斯嘉丽贪婪任性,爱慕虚荣,为达目的不择手段的个性在读者中颇受争议。姚木兰和斯嘉丽是东西方作者笔下的新时代女性形象,有着鲜明的个性特点和时代烙印。本课题以两位女主角为研究对象,从跨文化和女性主义角度分析东西方女性意识的差异及其成因,从而唤起社会对女性的关注。 本文共六个章节。第一章节介绍两大名著和女主人公的为人处事、个性特征以及思想认识上的差异。第二章节介绍当前的研究现状和论文的研究意义。第三章节通过探究姚木兰和斯嘉丽性格特征的差异,以及对爱情的态度上的不同之处等探究其女性意识差异,进而初步探索东西方女性意识的差异性。第四章节介绍跨文化和女性主义两大理论。第五章节通过这两大理论剖析形成东西方女性意识差异的成因。第六章节通过对课题中讨论的以上几方面进行总结,综述课题的研究意义,以期待读者在感受东西方女性意识差异的同时,对女性给予更广泛的关注。 关键词:女性意识,女性主义,跨文化
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:There are six chapters in the essay. Chapter One mainly introduces the works as well as the differences of two heroines as to their ways in facing life, personality, features and thinking patterns. Chapter Two introduces the current studies ...... |