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ABSTRACT:With the development of basketball in the world, basketball pouring into the current society as a fashion is appealing to growing individuals. But CBA as the professional basketball league in china don’t share the same reputation as NBA. This thesis attempts to analysis cultural differences between NBA and CBA from the following aspects: Players competence, Tactics, Personnel training, Commercial operation model and Ascetics of consciousness. This thesis attempts analysis the topic in a comparative way by means of literature review. It also attempts to give some positive suggestions to the development of CBA by comparing the cultural differences between NBA and CBA. Key words: NBA CBA Cultural differences
摘要:随着篮球在世界的发展,篮球成为了越来越多的人茶前饭后谈资。CBA作为中国职业篮球联赛,却从不曾NBA的风光。本文试图从文化差异角度用文献综述法和对比法对球员个人能力,技战术水平,球员训练培养,商业运作模式和审美意识差异进行简单分析。通过差异分析找到CBA和NBA的差异, 为我们CBA的发展提供借鉴。 关键字:NBA CBA 文化差异
Any sports in the world are closely related to the culture. Basketball is not the exception. Basketball is the carrier and manifestation of the culture. This kind of culture was influenced by many aspects. Player’s competence, tactics, personnel training, commercial operation model and ascetics of consciousness all belongs to the culture categories that influence the culture of basketball. From the time basketball is born, it plays an important role in the world of the sports. Nowadays, playing basketball or watching NBA is very popular among any ages in the world. NBA represents the highest pro basketball league in the United States. CBA represents the highest pro basketball league in China. Each of them pouring into the society as a fashion is appealing more and more individuals. By comparing China and the United States basketball culture, differences of basketball culture can be easily found. And there are some positive suggestions to Chinese basketball development from the above analysis. Scientific and reasonable system of basketball talents selection and training is the first and most important work. The system of basketball player transfer should be established and perfect. What’s more, CBA should attaches importance to the power of media. Last but not least, much attention should be paid to perfect the rules of basketball. This is just personal suggestions. It can not make Chinese basketball association get huge recreations in two days. The Sports Administration's should pay more attention to the development of Chinese Basketball Association.
论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This thesis attempts to analysis cultural differences between NBA and CBA from the following aspects: Players competence, Tactics, Personnel training, Commercial operation model and Ascetics of consciousness....... |