
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(小美)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-12-31
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Abstract: Etiquette is a kind of culture. The course of globalization has been accelerated.  Traditional Chinese etiquettes have been affected by western etiquettes constantly. People start to talk more about how to protect Chinese traditional etiquettes, and mix them with western etiquettes appropriately. More and more people realize that Chinese and western etiquettes will mix with each other and develop constantly. This paper analyzes the differences of etiquettes on dinner between China and western countries, including  time for attendance, arrangement of seats, usage of dinning tools, dinning environments as well as dinning talks, and talks about the causes for these differences in order to promote people’s awareness of the differences on Chinese and western etiquettes, enhance the traditional cultural awareness, respect different cultures, and avoid the cultural conflicts in the cross-cultural communication.

Key words: traditional etiquettes; etiquettes on dinner; dinning environment; dinning talks





论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Etiquette is a kind of culture. The course of globalization has been accelerated. Traditional Chinese etiquettes have been affected by western etiquettes constantly. People start to talk more about how to protect Chinese traditional etiquet......